Unit Linked Savings Plan
This Product is manufactured by MAPFRE MSV Life
MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. (C-15722) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) to carry on long-term business under the Insurance Business Act, Cap. 403 of the Laws of Malta. MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. is regulated by the MFSA.
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PUTTING YOU IN CONTROL – The MSV Unit Linked Savings Plan can help make your future more rewarding. You have complete independence and control to tailor the plan to suit your personal circumstances:
- Control – you decide how much to save, even opting to change the amount in the future. You also decide where to invest.
- Flexibility – you can increase or decrease your contributions, stop for up to 5 years, then start saving again.
- Freedom – no matter what your work or life circumstances might be, the MSV Unit Linked Savings Plan will continue to work for you because it is in your name and for your own benefit.
- Choice – Although the minimum term of the plan is 10 years, you are free to decide at what age you would like to access your plan’s benefits.
- Independence – the Plan is designed to pay you a lump sum to spend or invest as you wish.
The Unit Linked Savings Plan is a long term regular contribution savings plan, offering you a choice of different investments as well as the MSV With Profits Fund.
It allows you to save on a regular basis and to invest a lump sum at anytime in the future. The value of the Policy is linked to the value of the underlying investments of your choice.
- To build up a sum of money which is available as a lump sum.
- To help your financial future cope with changes in your personal and financial circumstances.
- To offer you a wide and flexible choice of where to invest your savings.
- To provide a cash sum to your wife, husband or dependant(s) should you die before taking benefits.
- To make regular savings for the life of the Policy. Your employer can also make savings on your behalf.
- To keep the Policy invested until you choose to take your benefits.
- To invest for the long term and to review your contributions on a regular basis.
- If you cash in your Plan early, you may receive less than the value of your Policy Account.
- The value of your investment may go down as well as up and you may get back less than you originally invested.
- What you might get back will depend on the investment performance and the bonuses which may be added to your Plan. The rate of future bonuses is not guaranteed and may change over the years.