Simple and Secure Single Premium Investment

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This Product is manufactured by MAPFRE MSV Life

MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. (C-15722) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) to carry on long-term business under the Insurance Business Act, Cap. 403 of the Laws of Malta. MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. is regulated by the MFSA.

Our range of Investment Plans can offer capital protection and attractive bonus rates through participation in the MSV With Profits Fund. The With Profits Fund is a time-tested, reliable and tax efficient method of investment which offers smoothed investment returns over time.

These type of Investment Plans offer:

  • Option to choose how much you want to invest.
  • Excellent potential for a tax efficient stable medium to long-term capital growth.
  • Peace of mind through a traditional and reliable way of investing, as well as access to award winning investment fund managers.
  • Options to top-up your investments with additional lump sums.
  • Flexibility to make partial withdrawals.
  • Ability to receive a regular income through withdrawal of bonuses.
  • Option to designate beneficiaries to receive the value of the plan directly upon your death.

Single Premium Plan

The Single Premium Plan is a lump sum investment plan which invests in the With Profits Fund. A With-profits investment smoothes the return on your money by spreading the profits over good and bad years.



Investment Bond

The Investment Bond is a whole of life investment plan linked to the value of underlying investment funds. The plan is available in three currency versions – Euro, US Dollar, or GB Sterling.