
MAPFRE MSV Life – Goes Live with Sapiens CoreSuite for Life and Pensions

MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. has rolled out the world-leading, cloud-based Sapiens’ CoreSuite platform, including policy administration, digital portals and advanced analytics, to enhance and expand their services

David G. Curmi, Chief Executive Officer of MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. stated, “ we are totally focused and committed to use technology to change what it means to provide an excellent customer service. New digital tools are providing ways for insurance companies to reposition themselves as relatable, personal and conversational brands and we want to be the first to do this in the Maltese market. We are very pleased with our partnership with Sapiens International Corporation, (NASDAQ and TASE: SPNS) a leading global provider of software solutions for the insurance industry. The first phase of implementation was completed after only 15 months, despite the interruption of the Covid-19 global pandemic. This first phase will consolidate our protection business onto a single administration platform whilst the next phase will consolidate our savings, investments and pension business offering.”

Mr. Curmi added, “this project is the first of its kind in the MAPFRE Group to be wholly cloud supported by the Azure Cloud platform offering our company the highest level of flexibility, security and business continuity for our core business systems and facilitating a rapid digital transformation project.”

Luciano Anastasi, Chief Information Officer of MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c stated, “our company has achieved considerable business success in the Maltese life market in recent years. Our continued partnership with Sapiens provides us with the necessary technology and business tools we need to rapidly scale up our activities, simplify our legacy programs and offer the best service possible to our customers. Sapiens Core Suite for Life and Pensions will streamline our operations, integrating seven distinct systems all into one easily accessible cloud-based platform to maximize our efficiency.”

Tal Sharon, president of Sapiens Life division stated, “Sapiens is delighted to contribute to the work of MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. and are excited to see that the company has gone live with our life and pensions platform. Our digital solutions equip our customers with the business insights and capabilities they need to excel in an increasingly digital marketplace. We are proud to have supported MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. on their digital transformation journey and we look forward to many more years working closely together.”

Sapiens CoreSuite for Life & Pensions is a flagship solution designed to enable insurance providers to quickly and efficiently address the challenges of a highly regulated and increasingly competitive marketplace. The end-to-end, core solution suite supports the complete policy lifecycle across a wide variety of products in the life & pension market. Sapiens Digital Suite offers end-to-end, holistic and seamless digital experience for customers, agents, brokers, customer groups and third-party service providers. Sapiens Intelligence for Life & Pension offers providers complete analytic capabilities.

MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. (C-15722) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) to carry on long-term business under the Insurance Business Act, Cap 403 of the Laws of Malta. MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. is regulated by the MFSA.

Contact Persons:

Mr. David G. Curmi – Chief Executive Officer
T: 2590 9223
E: davidgc@msvlife.com

Mr. Luciano Anastasi – Chief Information Officer
T: 2590 9244
E: lucianoa@msvlife.com

MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c.
The Mall
Triq il-Mall
Floriana FRN1470
T: 2590 9000

MAPFRE MSV Life tibda taħdem bi pjattaforma ġdida tal-IT – is-sistema CoreSuite ta’ Sapiens 

MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. bdiet  tħaddem il-pjattaforma CoreSuite tal-kumpanija Sapiens. Din hija sistema ewlenija fuq livell globali, ibbażat fuq teknoloġija ‘cloud’, li tinkludi l-amministrazzjoni tal-poloz ta’ l- assigurazzjoni fuq il-ħajja, portali diġitali u analitiċi avvanzati, li ser jippermettu l-kumpanija ittejjeb u tespandi s-servizzi tagħha.

David G. Curmi, Uffiċjal Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. qal, “aħna totalment iffokati u mpenjati li nużaw it-teknoloġija biex inbiddlu xi tfisser li nipprovdu servizz eċċellenti lill-klijent. Għodod diġitali ġodda qed jipprovdu modi biex il-kumpaniji tal-assigurazzjoni jerġgħu jippożizzjonaw lilhom infushom bħala brands li l-klijent jista’ jirrelata u jkollu konversazzjonijiet personali magħhom. Aħna rridu nkunu l-ewwel li nagħmlu dan fis-suq Malti. Aħna kuntenti ħafna bis-sħubija tagħna ma Sapiens International Corporation, (NASDAQ u TASE: SPNS) fornitur globali ewlieni ta’ soluzzjonijiet ta software għall-industrija tal-assigurazzjoni. L-ewwel fażi tal-implimentazzjoni ta ’dan il-proġett tlestiet wara 15-il xahar biss, minkejja l-interruzzjoni tal-pandemija globali Covid-19. Din l-ewwel fażi se tikkonsolida n-negozju ta’ protezzjoni tagħna fuq pjattaforma ta’ amministrazzjoni waħda filwaqt li l-fażi li jmiss tikkonsolida l-offerta ta’ tfaddil, investimenti u n-negozju tagħna tal-pensjonijiet”.

Is-Sur Curmi żied jgħid, “dan il-proġett huwa l-ewwel wieħed tax-xorta tiegħu fil-Grupp MAPFRE li huwa kompletament ibbażat fuq teknoloġija ‘cloud’ appoġġat mill-pjattaforma Azure Cloud li toffri lill-kumpanija tagħna l-ogħla livell ta’ flessibilità, sigurtà u kontinwità tan-negozju għas-sistemi ewlenin tan-negozju tagħna u tiffaċilita proġett ta’ trasformazzjoni diġitali.”

Luciano Anastasi, Chief Information Officer ta’ MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c qal, “il-kumpanija tagħna kisbet suċċess kummerċjali konsiderevoli fis-suq Malti ta’ l-assigurazzjoni fuq il-ħajja f’dawn l-aħħar snin. Is-sħubija tagħna ma’ Sapiens tagħtina t-teknoloġija meħtieġa u l-għodod kummerċjali li għandna bżonn biex inżidu malajr l-attivitajiet tagħna, nissimplifikaw il-programmi eżistenti tagħna u noffru l-aħjar servizz possibbli lill-klijenti tagħna. Sapiens Core Suite għall-Assigurazzjoni fuq Ħajja u l-Pensjonijiet se tissimplifika l-operazzjonijiet tagħna, billi tintegra seba ‘sistemi distinti kollha f’pjattaforma waħda aċċessibbli faċilment ibbażata fuq il-cloud biex timmassimizza l-effiċjenza tagħna. “

Tal Sharon, president tad-diviżjoni Sapiens Life iddikjara, “Sapiens huwa kuntent li jikkontribwixxi għall-ħidma tal-MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. u ahna eċċitati naraw li l-kumpanija issa bdiet  tħaddem il-pjattaforma CoreSuite ghan negozu ta’ l-Assigurazzjoni fuq il-Ħajja u l-Pensjonijiet. Is-soluzzjonijiet diġitali tagħna joffru lill-klijenti tagħna l-għarfien u l-kapaċitajiet tan-negozju li għandhom bżonn biex jeċċellaw f’suq dejjem aktar diġitali. Aħna kburin li appoġġajna lill-MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. f’dan il-vjaġġ ta’ trasformazzjoni diġitali u nħarsu ‘l quddiem għal ħafna aktar snin naħdmu mill-qrib flimkien.”

Sapiens CoreSuite għall- Assigurazzjoni fuq il-Ħajja u l-Pensjonijiet hija soluzzjoni ewlenija mfassla biex tippermetti lill-fornituri tal-assigurazzjoni jindirizzaw malajr u b’mod effiċjenti l-isfidi ta’ suq regolat ħafna u dejjem aktar kompetittiv. Din is-soluzzjoni ewlenija komprensiva toffri soluzzjonijiet matul iċ-ċiklu kollu ta’ polza ta’ l-assigurazzjoni f’varjetà wiesgħa ta’ prodotti fis-suq tal-assigurazzjoni fuq il-ħajja u tal-pensjonijiet. Sapiens Digital Suite toffri esperjenza diġitali end to end, holistika u bla xkiel għal klijenti, aġenti, brokers, gruppi ta’ klijenti u fornituri ta’ servizzi. Sapiens Intelligence for Life & Pension toffri wkoll kapaċitajiet analitiċi avvanzati.

MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c (C-15722) hija awtorizzata mill-Awtorità għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta’ Malta (MFSA) biex tmexxi negozju tal-assigurazzjoni fit-tul taħt l-Att dwar il-Kummerċ tal- Assigurazzjoni, Kap 403 tal- Liġijiet ta’ Malta. MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. hija regolata mill-MFSA.

Mr. David G. Curmi – Chief Executive Officer
T: 2590 9223
E: davidgc@msvlife.com
Mr. Luciano Anastasi – Chief Information Officer
T: 2590 9244
E: lucianoa@msvlife.com

MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c.
The Mall
Triq il-Mall
Floriana FRN1470
T: 2590 9000

MAPFRE Malta reinforce its commitment towards corporate social responsibility during Coronavirus pandemic

MAPFRE Malta reinforce its commitment towards corporate social responsibility during Coronavirus pandemic

MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c., as a standalone Company, registered a turnover of €75.12 million in gross premium written, a 1.0% increase over FY2019 registering a marginal increase in its market leadership share. In a year dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic, premium growth was severely depressed, with the market only marginally increasing in volume as economic activity slowed down. Technical results improved over previous year as the near lockdown months and the lack of tourist visiting the island affected favourably the claim frequency particularly in Motor. Fewer large losses occurred during the year with a lower effect on results compared to the previous year.

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Fundacion MAPFRE sponsors therapeutic facility at Inspire Foundation

Fundacion MAPFRE sponsors therapeutic facility at Inspire Foundation

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