The spread of COVID-19 is affecting every one of us. Our thoughts right now are with you and your families, and also with all those who, like us, are concerned with the spread of this pandemic and its consequences. Fighting this pandemic deserves the greatest respect and responsibility. The situation we are in is novel due to the nature and scale of the threat of COVID-19, which distinguishes it from a “routine emergency.” It is unprecedented and therefore, we may not always know how to immediately deal with certain situations that may arise. The disruption is unfolding faster than some organisations can understand or interpret using the usual approaches to emergencies.
In the circumstances our objective is two-fold: to protect the health of our employees, stakeholders and clients and, at the same time, to guarantee the provision of the services that we are committed to providing, with the highest possible quality at all times. This is in line with our Business Continuity Plan, which we are deploying in all the countries in which we operate.
The decisions we are taking follow the advice we are receiving from healthcare organisations and government authorities, and are driven by our reputation as a trusted global insurer.
I would like to share with you some of the measures our company is taking to avoid exposure to the virus, to support the advice and guidance of health authorities, and to respond efficiently as circumstances may require.
In Malta, 90% of our employees are already working remotely. In order to continue providing basic services to our clients, we have maintained a small number of staff at our offices, and we are taking extensive measures to protect the wellbeing of our people and of our clients who visit the premises. We are doing all we can to contribute to prevent the spread of this pandemic.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that we provide an extensive range of services online, including applications for new life and savings polices and payment of new and renewal premiums. We also urge you to communicate with us through other means than the telephone such as through our website, social media and email.
We are all in this together, and more importantly, we will all get through this together.
We will continue to be in touch with you but in the meantime, our recommendation to you and your families is to please keep safe and take care of yourselves.
On our part, we will do everything in our power to support you in these difficult times.
David G. Curmi
Chief Executive Officer
MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c.