January 2019 witnessed the introduction of renewed terms and conditions for all employees at MAPFRE Middlesea as a result of the new Collective Agreement signed between MAPFRE Middlesea and MUBE.
The new Collective Agreement which was presented to the workforce at MAPFRE Middlesea is effective from January 2019.
The philosophy and rationale behind the framework of the new Agreement enables MAPFRE Middlesea to move towards providing its employees with more flexibility, work-life balance and benefits at the workplace. In this regard, a number of organisational work benefits have either been newly introduced or significantly improved upon as of the beginning of February 2019.
“Over the past years, we have been working in a new direction: having an organisation which is much more flexible, collaborative, transparent and agile. We have refurbished our offices with the aim to have better and more open workspaces. We have given more flexibility in terms of working-times in order to enable our employees to manage their time, always in alignment with and in accordance to the business’ and colleagues’ needs. We have also worked on technological mobility to create a workplace which is moving towards more remote working. We’ll be able to carry out our work at any place and at any time. We know that the most important thing is no longer the actual presence of the employee. It’s a completely different culture, trust-based and results driven where the mutual commitment, trust and flexibility are vital: more control of our time but much more responsibility towards achieving our results”, said Ines Silva, Chief Officer Human Resources.
For that reason, over the past years, the company has implemented some improvements and also effective changes which are now reflected in the new Collective Agreement, namely extension of maternity (16 weeks) and paternity leave (10 working days); allowing fresh mothers to work on reduced hours, with a minimum of 30 hours per week, for a period of one year following 6 months from birth of their child, whilst maintaining their full pay; active ageing, appreciating and rewarding our senior people. Besides flexi hours (in place since February 2017), the Company has also introduced new summer times as well as Company closure on the 24th and 31st December afternoons for our employees to enjoy with their families. A new sick leave benefit for employees who have children up to 13 years of age which allows them to utilize sick leave whenever their children are sick, up to a limit of 30 days per year.
In addition to these flexible measures, MAPFRE has also improved the employees’ perks: Hospital cover applicable to all employees; introduction of a pensions plan (already defined but still pending to be launched): transport allowance and also negotiations to attain agreements with parking facilities suppliers around Floriana to acquire parking spaces for our employees, apart from other ones already in place.
To this effect, MUBE, being the exclusive employees’ representative at MAPFRE Middlesea, played a very important role in introducing the new measures by working together with the company in order to ensure smooth implementation of the more flexible, trust-based and results driven approach.
William Portelli, President of MUBE went on to declare that through the introduction of the renewed Collective Agreement terms and conditions alongside other corporate initiatives, the workforce at MAPFRE Middlesea will continue to enjoy a flexible and sustainable work environment which encompasses a strong sense of work-life balance that is worthy of its hardworking employees. Furthermore, MUBE is keen to continue with its vision of being creative, fully collaborating with management and working in anticipation of changing work practices to a more digitalised flexible working environment.
CEO Felipe Navarro, CO Ines Silva and MUBE President William Portelli thanked the respective teams who were involved in very cordial negotiations whilst expressing satisfaction on the Agreement reached which was officially signed in Gozo on the 24th May 2019.
MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. (C-5553) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority to carry on both Long Term and General Business under the Insurance Business Act, Cap 403 of the Laws of Malta. MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c is regulated.
Iffirmat ftehim bejn MAPFRE Middlesea u MUBE
Dan joffri aktar flessibilità għall-impjegati
Fil-bidu ta’ din is-sena, kienu mġedda t-termini u kundizzjonijiet għall-impjegati kollha ta’ MAPFRE Middlesea, permezz ta’ ftehim kollettiv iffirmat bejn l-istess kumpanija u l-MUBE. Dan il-ftehim ġie effettiv minn Jannar 2019.
L-Għan ta’ dan il-ftehim ġdid hu li jwassal għal aktar flessibilità, bilanċ bejn ix-xogħol u l-ħajja u li jintroduċi benefiċċji fuq il-post ta’ xogħol. F’dan ir-rigward, numru ta’ benefiċċji ġodda kienu introdotti jew imtejba b’mod sinifikanti minn Frar ta’ din is-sena.
Il-Kap Eżekuttiv tar-Riżorsi Umani, Ines Silva, qalet li matul dan l-aħħar snin, il-kumpanija ħadmet favur din id-direzzjoni ġdida, li toffri post tax-xogħol aktar flessibli, kollaborattiv u trasparenti. L-uffiċċji ukoll kienu irranġati b’mod li joffri spazju aktar miftuħ. L-impjegati ingħataw aktar flessibilità f’termini ta’ ħinijiet tax-xogħol, dejjem skond il-ħtieġa tan-negozju. Barra minn hekk, MAPFRE Middlesea ħadmet fuq teknoloġija li toffri il-possibilta ta’ xogħol remot. “Aħna nafu li l-aktar ħaġa importanti m’għandix tkun il-preżenza attwali tal-impjegat iżda l-impenn, il-fiduċja u r-responsabbiltà, dawn huma importanti għar-riżultati tagħna,” hi qalet.
Matul dan l-aħħar snin, il-kumpanija daħlet fis-seħħ bidliet li issa huma ukoll riflessi fil-ftehim kollettiv ġdid. Dan jinkludi l-estensjoni tal-leave tal-maternità (16-il ġimgħa) kif ukoll dak tal-paternità (10 ijiem tax-xogħol). Barra min hekk, ommijiet friski jitħallew jaħdmu ħinijiet imnaqqsa, b’minimu ta’ 30 siegħa fil-ġimgħa għal perjodu ta’ sena wara 6 xhur mit-twelid tat-tarbija tagħhom, filwaqt li dawn jżommu l-paga sħiħa tagħhom. Ġew introdotti wkoll inizjattivi għal impjegati anzjani.
Minbarra l-ħinijiet flessibli, li ġew fis-seħħ fi Frar tal-2018, il-Kumpanija introduċiet ukoll
ħinijiet tas-sajf ġodda. Fl-24 u 31 ta’ Diċembru, l-kumpanija tagħlaq wara nofsinhar biex tippermetti l-impjegati jgawdu l-festi mal-familji tagħhom. Barra minn hekk, impjegati li għandhom tfal sa 13 -il sena, jistgħu jużaw sick leave meta tfal tagħhom ikunu morda, sa limitu ta’ 30 jum fis-sena.
Barra minn dawn il-mużuri, MAPFRE Middlesea żiedet ukoll il-kopertura fuq assigurazzjoni tas-saħħa għall-impjegati kollha, waqt li introduċiet pjan tal-pensjonijiet, allowance għat-trasport kif ukoll ftehim ma’ faċilitajiet ta’ parkeġġ madwar il-Furjana.
Dawn il-miżuri ġew fis-seħħ grazzi għal MUBE, li tirrapreżenta l-impjegati ta’ MAPFRE Middlesea, li ħadmet flimkien mal-kumpanija biex b’hekk taċċerta proċess ibbażat fuq fiduċja u mmexxi mir-riżultati.
Il-President tal- MUBE, William Portelli, qal li permezz ta’ dawn it-termini u kundizzjonijiet, MAPFRE Middlesea se tkompli tgawdi ambjent tax-xogħol b’saħħtu, li joffru bilanċ bejn il-ħajja tax-xogħol u dik apparti lil impjegati tagħha. Hu qal li l-MUBE ser tkompli bil-viżjoni tagħha biex tikkollabora bis-sħiħ biex dejjem ikun hemm titjieb, speċjalment fir-rigward ta’ flessibilità permezz tat-teknoloġija.
Il-Kap Eżekuttiv Felipe Navarro, il-Kap tar-Riżorsi Umani Ines Silva u l-President tal- MUBE William Portelli irringrazzjaw lit-timijiet rispettivi li ħadmu biex il-ftehim kien milħuq u iffirmat f’Għawdex, fl-24 ta’ Mejju 2019.
MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c (C-5553) hija awtorizzata mill-Awtorità għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta ‘ Malta (MFSA) biex tmexxi Negozju fit-tul u Generali skont l-Att dwar il-Kummerc tal-Assigurazzjoni, Kap 403 tal- Liġijiet ta’ Malta. MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c hija regolata mill-MFSA.