ENGLISH VERSION (Scroll down for the Maltese Version)
On 21 March 2023, MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. approved the bonus rates for With-Profits policies for the year ended 31 December 2022.
Synopsis of press release main highlights:
- Worse global financial markets performance in years
- With Profits Fund smoothing of returns over time
- 1% regular bonus declared on core products
- Declared final bonus subject to eligibility criteria
- Interim regular bonus maintained at 1%
- Final and interim bonus can be reviewed or withdrawn at any time
- With Profits Fund remains well positioned to benefit from potential market upside
- Post year end, markets improved but volatility remains high
- With Profits Fund assets under management of €1.89billion
- With Profits Fund key features
The financial markets performance remains one of the key considerations in the annual bonus declaration decision. In 2022, mainstream asset classes in investment portfolios, namely fixed income and equities, experienced sharp price declines as global Central Banks embarked on an aggressive interest rate tightening cycle to stem the surge in decade’s high inflation. This together with the ongoing tragic war in Ukraine caused a deterioration in the economic outlook.
Major benchmark equity and bond indices suffered double-digit losses. The MSCI World index registered a negative return of 16.04% while the Barcap Euro Treasury index registered a negative return of 18.46%. The negative returns experienced in the fixed income markets are considered the worse returns over the last century. Within this environment, the With-Profits Fund registered a negative return of 13.1% in 2022 compared to the positive return of 4.2% generated in 2021. However, despite the negative returns, the With Profits Fund is still distributing a positive regular bonus rate to policyholders for 2022 reflecting one of the key characteristics of the Fund, being the smoothing of returns over time thus eliminating the peaks and troughs of financial market movements.
MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. declared a Regular Bonus Rate of 1.00% on its core products namely the Comprehensive Flexi Plan (regular and single premium policies), the Single Premium Plan and on the With-Profits options of the Investment Bond, Retirement Plan and the Personal Pension Plan. A Regular Bonus Rate of 0.90% was declared on the Comprehensive Life Plan (regular and single premium policies). The 2022 Regular Bonus Rates for these contracts represent a decrease of 1.0% from the 2021 declaration.
On the ‘Old Series’ Endowment and Whole Life policies, a Regular Bonus of 1.0% of the basic sum assured plus bonuses was declared. The 2021 Regular Bonus Rates for these contracts represent a reduction of 0.50% from the 2021 declaration.
In addition, the Board also announced the declaration of a Final Bonus in respect of Comprehensive Life Plans (Single and Regular Premium), Comprehensive Flexi Plans (Single Premium) and Single Premium Plans. A final bonus shall be payable subject to the following eligibility criteria:
- For plans where fixed premiums are contracted to be paid at regular intervals throughout the selected term of the plan (“Regular Premium”), if applicable, a final bonus will be payable as a percentage of the said plan’s policy account as at either the maturity date of the plan or date of death of life assured, if earlier, as outlined in the table below and provided that the plan has been in force for more than 10 years.
- For those plans where a one-time contribution is made upon the commencement of the plan (“Initial Contribution”/”Single Premium”), a final bonus will be payable as a percentage of the said plan’s policy account as at either the maturity date of the plan or date of death of life assured, if earlier, as outlined in the table below and provided, that the plan has been in force for more than 10 years.
- In those cases where additional non-contractual top-up contributions have been made on any one of the above plans (“Additional Top Up Premiums”), a separate final bonus will be calculated and paid on the value of the policy account of each Additional Top Up Premium, provided that the said Additional Top Up Premium was made more than 10 years before the maturity date of the plan or the date of death of the life assured, if earlier. Provided further that the percentage of the Final Bonus granted in respect of each Additional Top Up Premium will vary according to the length of investment in the With-Profits Fund of each top up contribution.
Since Final Bonuses are likely to be highly volatile and very dependent on the investment performance of the With Profits Fund, the Company is under no obligation to pay such declared Final Bonus. Whether said final bonus is paid or not shall be determined by the Company upon the date of maturity of the plan or death of the life assured, if earlier.
Final bonus rates which are applicable to the different plans are shown in the table below depending on the premium modality (that is whether by Single Premium or Regular Premium or Additional Top Up Premium):
Plan Type The adjacent percentages shall apply to the eligible policy account/s of the plan (depending on the modality of the premium payment) as at date of maturity or death of life assured, if earlier. |
Flat Rate % | Rate for every year that the plan remains in force after the 10th year of the payment of the relevant premium(s) % |
Single Premium Plan (Initial Contribution made more than 10 years prior to date of maturity or death) |
5.0% | 0.75% |
Comprehensive Life Plan (Single Premium) (Initial Contribution made more than 10 years prior to date of maturity or death) |
0% | 3.00% |
Comprehensive Life Plan (Regular Premium)* (Policies in force more than 10 years prior to date of maturity or death) |
5.0% | 0.00%* |
Comprehensive Life Plan (Additional Top Up Premiums on above plans) (Where additional top up was invested more than 10 years prior to date of maturity or death) |
0% | 3.00% |
Comprehensive Flexi Plan (Single Premium) (Initial Contribution made more than 10 years prior to date of maturity or death) |
7.5% | % 0.00% |
Comprehensive Flexi Plan (Regular Premium) (Policies in force more than 10 years prior to date of maturity or death) |
0% | % 0.00% |
Comprehensive Flexi Plan (Additional Top Up Premiums on above plans) (Where additional top up was invested more than 10years prior to date of maturity or death) |
7.5% | % 0.00% |
*For Comprehensive Life Plans (Regular Premium), an additional final bonus of 1.5% for each year in force in excess of 25 years will also be payable.
Unless, at any time between the 1 May 2023 and 30 April 2024 the Final Bonus rates above-mentioned are changed or are withdrawn by the Company, as above-mentioned, this schedule of Final Bonus rates will be paid in accordance with the terms and conditions of the relevant plan.
The Board approved a Regular Bonus of 0.90% on those Secure Growth policies which formed part of the portfolio of business transferred to MAPFRE MSV Life from Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. during 2000. The Board also approved a Regular Bonus of 1.00% on the ALICO 78 policies and a Regular Bonus of 1.00% on the ALICO 66 policies which formed part of the portfolio of business transferred to MAPFRE MSV Life in 2011 from American Life Insurance Company (“ALICO”).
Finally, as part of the Bonus Declaration decision, the Board approved to maintain the Interim Regular Bonus Rate for 2023 of 1%. It is to be noted that this rate may be reviewed at any point in time.
The CEO of MAPFRE MSV Life, Mr. Etienne Sciberras stated, “This bonus declaration is testament to one of the key characteristics and benefits of investing in a With Profits policy, namely the smoothing of investment returns over the years. In terms of investment returns, 2022 will go down in history books as one of the most difficult years for investors. The unusual, simultaneous fall in prices of bonds and equities defied one of the cornerstones of investments portfolio management – i.e. asset diversification. Historically bonds and equity allocations served to diversify and hence mitigate downside market risks. The re-pricing experienced in bond markets, driven by an aggressive Central banks’ monetary policy to stem the rise in inflation, was exceptional given its magnitude and the time scale within which it occurred”.
Commenting on the outlook for the future, Etienne Sciberras said, “While the terrible war in Ukraine still rages on and inflation remains elevated and its trajectory uncertain, expectations are that we are likely close to the tail end of the interest rate tightening cycle by global Central Banks. Barring any further unexpected shocks, there is a growing sense of optimism. Economic indicators are proving to be more resilient, Europe’s energy crisis seems to be averted and China’s re-opening has injected a dose of optimism that a global recession can perhaps be avoided or at least be a short and mild one. The With-Profits Fund remains well positioned to benefit from potential market upside. Asset quality and diversification remain fundamental especially given the current uncertain times”.
Notwithstanding the prudent investment policy adopted by MAPFRE MSV Life, past performance is no guarantee for the future. Although MAPFRE MSV Life’s With-Profits investments have generally provided policyholders with stable and satisfactory returns when compared with other similar investment products, investment returns could fluctuate especially in times of uncertainty. While, at time of writing, equity markets have improved since the end of 2022, volatility remains high and is expected to remain elevated at least in the near future. Fair value movements and investment returns impinge directly on the rates of bonuses declared by the Company. Regular Bonuses are therefore expected to vary over the lifetime of the policy whilst Final Bonuses are likely to be highly volatile and very dependent on the investment performance of the Fund at the time of the maturity of the plan or at the time of the death of the life assured. Any one or more of the above-mentioned final bonuses may still be altered or withdrawn altogether by the Company at any time, thus affecting the final pay-out either when a plan matures or upon the death of the life assured as has already been explained above.
The MAPFRE MSV Life With-Profits Fund
The money of MAPFRE MSV Life With-Profits policyholders is invested in the MAPFRE MSV Life With-Profits Fund. With assets under management of €1.89 billion and over 78,000 With-Profits policies in force, the MAPFRE MSV Life With-Profits Fund is one of the largest managed savings funds in Malta. The size and strength of the Fund allow for investing in a very wide range of global assets. The objective of the MAPFRE MSV Life With-Profits Fund is to offer competitive long-term real returns by smoothing the peaks and troughs of day-to-day market movements whilst at the same time providing an underlying capital guarantee. This means that With-Profits investments remain a good choice for investors seeking steady growth from a spread of investments over the longer term with some downside protection. In uncertain times, the benefits of smoothing and guarantees can provide advantages to With-Profits policyholders over other forms of investment.
With-Profits policies contain four important features that are not generally found in other comparable investments. Firstly, the amount invested, after product charges, is guaranteed to be repaid on maturity or death if it occurs earlier. Secondly, Regular Bonuses are added to the investment each year, provided that they are declared. Once paid, Regular Bonuses are guaranteed and cannot be withdrawn. Thirdly, a Final Bonus may be paid at maturity of the plan or death of the life assured, whichever is the earlier. The rate of final bonus payable depends on a number of factors including the performance of the Fund over the period in which the policy has been invested, the contractual frequency of premiums and the periods over which these and each ad-hoc premiums have been invested. These rates are determined by the Company at the time that a Final Bonus, if any, is declared. They are not guaranteed and may be changed from time to time. Lastly With-Profits policies are tax efficient.
MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. (C-15722) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) to carry on long term business under the Insurance Business Act. MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. is regulated by the MFSA.
Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and is based on current tax legislation which may change in the future. Investment returns can go down as well as up and the past is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Changes in the rate of exchange of currencies may also affect the value of investments.
MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. tiddikjara l-bonuses għall-2022
Fil-21 ta’ Marzu 2023, MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. approvat ir-rati tal-bonus għall-poloz With Profits għas-sena li ntemmet fil-31 ta’ Diċembru 2022.
Punti ewlenin tal-istqarrija għall-istampa:
· Prestazzjoni agħar tas-swieq finanzjarji globali
· Il-Fond With Profits jwitti redditi maż-żmien
· 1% bonus regolari iddikjarat fuq prodotti ewlenin
· Bonus finali iddikjarat soġġett għall-kriterji ta’ eliġibbiltà
· Il-Bonus regolari interim jinżamm għal 1%
· Il-bonus finali u interim jista’ jiġi rivedut jew irtirat fi kwalunkwe ħin
· Il-With Profits Fund jibqa’ f’pożizzjoni tajba biex jibbenefika minn żieda potenzjali fis-suq
· Is-swieq tjiebu iżda l-volatilità tibqa għolja
· Ġestjoni ta’ €1.89 biljun fuq il-With Profits Fund
· Karatteristiċi ewlenin tal-With Profits Fund
Il-prestazzjoni tas-swieq finanzjarji tibqa’ waħda mill-kunsiderazzjonijiet ewlenin fid-deċiżjoni annwali tad-dikjarazzjoni tal-bonus. Fl-2022, il-klassijiet tal-assi mainstream fil-portafolji tal-investiment, jiġifieri d-dħul fiss u l-ekwitajiet, esperjenzaw tnaqqis qawwi fil-prezzijiet hekk kif il-banek ċentrali globali bdew ċiklu aggressiv ta’ issikkar tar-rata tal-imgħax biex iwaqqfu ż-żieda fl-aktar inflazzjoni għolja fl-aħħar deċennju. Dan, waqt li l-gwerra fl-Ukranja li kkawżat deterjorament fil-prospetti ekonomiċi tkompli.
L-ekwità ewlenija tal-parametri referenzjarji u l-indiċijiet tal-bonds sofrew telf b’żewġ ċifri. L-indiċi tad-Dinja tal-MSCI rreġistra redditu negattiv ta’ 16.04% filwaqt li l-indiċi tat-Teżor tal-Euro Barcap irreġistra redditu negattiv ta’ 18.46%. Ir-redditi negattivi esperjenzati fis-suq tad-dħul fiss huma ikkunsidrati bħala l-agħar redditi reġistrati matul is-seklu li għadda. F’dan il-kuntest, il-With Profits Fund irreġistra redditu negattiv ta’ 13.1% fl-2022, meta mqabbel mar-redditu pożittiv ta’ 4.2% fl-2021. Madankollu, minkejja r-redditi negattivi, il-With Profits Fund xorta qed iqassam rata ta’ bonus regolari lid-detenturi tal-poloz għall-2022. Waħda mill-karatteristiċi ewlenin ta’ dan il-fond hija t-twittija tar-reditti maż-żmien, u għalhekk jevita konsegwenzi estremi tas-swieq finanzjarji.
MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. iddikjarat Regular Bonus Rate ta’ 1.00% fuq il-prodotti ewlenin tagħha, primarjament il- Comprehensive Flexi Plan (kemm il-poloz single premium kif ukoll dawk ta’ regular premium), is-Single Premium Plan u l-With Profits options ta’ l-Investment Bond, Retirement Plan u Personal Pension Plan. Regular Bonus Rate ta’ 0.90% kien iddikjarat fuq il-Comprehensive Life Plan(kemm il-poloz single premium kif ukoll dawk ta’ regular premium). Ir-Rata ta’ Bonus Regolari għal dawn il-kuntratti jirrappreżentaw tnaqqis ta’ 1.0% mid-dikjarazzjoni tal-2021.
Fuq il-poloz ‘Old Series’ Endowment u Whole Life, kien dikkjarat Regular Bonus ta’ 1.0% tas-somma bażika assigurata flimkien mal-bonuses. Ir-rati tal-Bonus Regolari għal dawn il-kuntratti jirrappreżentaw tnaqqis ta’ 0.50% mid-dikjarazzjoni tal-2021.
Barra minn hekk, il-Bord ħabbar ukoll id-dikjarazzjoni ta’ Bonus Finali fir-rigward ta’ Comprehensive Life Plans (Single and Regular Premium), Comprehensive Flexi Plans (Single Premium) u Single Premium Plans. Il-Bonus finali huwa pagabbli soġġett għall-kriterji ta’ eliġibbiltà li ġejjin:
- Għal pjanijiet fejn premiums fissi huma kuntrattati li jitħallsu f’intervalli regolari matul it-terminu magħżul tal-pjan (Regular Premium), jekk applikabbli, bonus finali jitħallas bħala persentaġġ tal-kont tal-polza ta’ l-imsemmi pjan fid-data tal-maturità tal-pjan jew fid-data tal-mewt tal-ħajja assigurata, jekk qabel, kif deskritt hawn taħt u sakemm il-plan ikun ilu fis-seħħ għal aktar minn 10 snin.
- Għal dawk il-pjanijiet fejn issir kontribuzzjoni ta’ darba mal-bidu tal-pjan (Kontribuzzjoni Inizjali/Single Premium), jitħallas bonus finali bħala perċentwal tal-kont tal-polza tal-pjan imsemmi jew fid-data tal-maturità tal-pjan jew fid-data tal-mewt tal-ħajja assigurata, jekk qabel, kif deskritt hawn taħt u sakemm l-pjan ikun ilu fis-seħħ għal aktar minn 10 snin.
- Fil-każ fejn ikunu saru kontribuzzjonijiet addizzjonali (top-up) mhux kuntrattwali fuq xi wieħed mill-pjanijiet ta’ hawn fuq (Additional Top Up Premiums), jiġi ikkalkulat bonus finali separat u jitħallas fuq il-valur tal-kont tal-polza ta’ kull premium top up addizjonali, sakemm l-imsemmi top up sar aktar minn 10 snin qabel id-data tal-maturità tal-pjan jew id-data tal-mewt tal-ħajja assigurata, jekk qabel. Sakemm il-perċentwal tal-Bonus Finali mogħti fir-rigward ta’ kull top up premium addizzjonali jvarja skont it-tul tal-investiment fil-With-Profits Fund ta’ kull kontribuzzjoni top-up.
Peress li l-Bonuses Finali x’aktarx ikunu volatili ħafna u dipendenti ħafna fuq il-prestazzjoni tal-investiment tal-With Profits Fund, il-Kumpanija m’għandha l-ebda obbligu li tħallas it-tali Bonus Finali iddikjarat. Jekk l-imsemmi bonus finali jitħallasx jew le għandu jiġi stabbilit mill-Kumpanija fid-data tal-maturità tal-pjan jew mewt tal-ħajja assigurata, jekk qabel.
Ir-rati tal-bonus finali li huma applikabbli għall-pjanijiet differenti huma murija fit-tabella hawn taħt skont il-premium (jiġifieri jekk permezz ta’ Single Premium jew Regular Premium jew Additional Top Up Premium):
Tip ta’ Kuntratt Il-perċentwali japplikaw għall-kontijiet tal-polza eliġibbli fid-data tal-maturità jew mewt qabel. |
Rata fissa % | Rata fis-sena – kontijiet tal-polza Fis-seħħ aktar minn 10 snin % |
Single Premium Plan (Kontribuzzjoni Inizjali magħmula aktar minn 10 snin qabel id-data tal-maturità jew tal-mewt) |
5.0% | 0.75% |
Comprehensive Life Plan (Single Premium) (Kontribuzzjoni Inizjali magħmula aktar minn 10 snin qabel id-data tal-maturità jew tal-mewt) |
0% | 3.00% |
Comprehensive Life Plan (Regular Premium)* (Poloz fis-seħħ aktar minn 10 snin qabel id-data tal-maturità jew tal-mewt) |
5.0% | 0.00%* |
Comprehensive Life Plan (Top Up Premiums addizzjonali fuq il-poloz ta’ hawn fuq) (Fejn top up addizzjonali ġie investit aktar minn 10 snin qabel id-data tal-maturità jew tal-mewt) |
0.0% | 3.00% |
Comprehensive Flexi Plan (Single Premium) (Kontribuzzjoni Inizjali magħmula aktar minn 10 snin qabel id-data tal-maturità jew tal-mewt) |
7.5% | 0.00% |
Comprehensive Flexi Plan (Regular Premium) (Poloz fis-seħħ aktar minn 10 snin qabel id-data tal-maturità jew tal-mewt) |
0.0% | 0.00% |
Comprehensive Flexi Plan (Top Up Premiums addizzjonali fuq il-poloz ta’ hawn fuq) (Fejn top up addizzjonali ġie investit aktar minn 10 snin qabel id-data tal-maturità jew tal-mewt) |
7.50% | 0.00% |
* Għal Comprehensive Life Plan (Regular Premium), se jitħallas ukoll bonus finali addizzjonali ta’ 1.5% għal kull sena fis-seħħ li taqbeż il-25 sena.
Sakemm, fi kwalunkwe ħin bejn l-1 ta’ Mejju 2023 u t-30 ta’ April 2024 ir-rati tal-bonus finali imsemmija hawn fuq ma jinbidlux jew jiġu rtirati mill-Kumpanija, kif imsemmi hawn fuq, din l-iskeda tar-rati tal-Bonus Finali titħallas skont it-termini u l-kundizzjonijiet tal-pjan rilevanti.
Il-Bord approva Bonus Regolari ta’ 0.90% fuq dawk il-poloz ta’ Secure Growth li kienu jiffurmaw parti mill-portafoll ta’ negozju trasferit lil MAPFRE MSV Life minn Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. matul is-sena 2000. Il-Bord approva wkoll Bonus Regolari ta’ 1. 00% fuq il-poloz ALICO 78 u Bonus Regolari ta’ 1. 00% fuq il-poloz ALICO 66 li kienu jiffurmaw parti mill-portafoll ta’ negozju trasferit lil MAPFRE MSV Life fl-2011 mill-American Life Insurance Company (“ALICO”).
Fl-aħħar nett, bħala parti mid-deċiżjoni tad-Dikjarazzjoni tal-Bonus, il-Bord approva li jżomm ir-Rata Interim ta’ Bonus Regolari għal 2023 ta’ 1%. Ta’ min jinnota li din ir-rata tista’ tiġi riveduta fi kwalunkwe ħin.
Il-Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ MAPFRE MSV Life, is-Sur Etienne Sciberras stqarr, “Din id-dikjarazzjoni tal-bonus hija xhieda ta’ waħda mill-karatteristiċi u l-benefiċċji ewlenin tal-investiment tal-With Profits Policy, dik tat-twittija tar-redditi fuq l-investiment matul is-snin. F’termini ta’ redditi fuq l-investiment, l-2022 se tkun mniżżla fl-istorja bħala waħda mill-aktar snin diffiċli għall-investituri. It-tnaqqis mhux tas-soltu u f’daqqa fil-prezzijiet tal-bonds u l-ekwitajiet kienet ta’ sfida kbira fil-ġestjoni tal-portafoll tal-investiment – dik tad-diversifikazzjoni tal-assi. Storikament il-bonds u l-allokazzjonijiet tal-ekwità servew biex jiddiversifikaw u b’hekk itaffu r-riskji negattivi tas-suq. L-ipprezzar mill-ġdid esperjenzat fis-swieq tal-bonds, xprunat minn politika monetarja aggressiva tal-banek ċentrali biex titwaqqaf iż-żieda fl-inflazzjoni, kien eċċezzjonali minħabba l-kobor tiegħu u l-iskala taż-żmien li fih seħħet”.
F’kumment dwar il-prospetti għall-futur, Etienne Sciberras qal, “Filwaqt li l-gwerra fl-Ukrajna għadha għaddejja u l-inflazzjoni għadha elevata u t-trajettorja tagħha inċerta, l-aspettattivi huma li x’aktarx inkunu qrib it-tmiem taċ-ċiklu tal-issikar tar-rata tal-imgħax mill-banek ċentrali globali. Jekk ma jkunx hemm aktar sfidi li mhux antiċipat, hekk sens ta’ ottimiżmu. L-indikaturi ekonomiċi qed juru li huma aktar reżiljenti, il-kriżi tal-enerġija tal-Ewropa tidher li qed tiġi evitata u l-ftuħ mill-ġdid taċ-Ċina żied doża ta’ ottimiżmu li forsi ir-reċessjoni globali tista’ tkun evitata jew għall-inqas tkun waħda qasira.
Il-With-Profits Fund jibqa’ f’pożizzjoni tajba biex jibbenefika minn żieda potenzjali fis-suq. Il-kwalità u d-diversifikazzjoni tal-assi jibqgħu fundamentali speċjalment minħabba ż-żminijiet inċerti attwali”.
Minkejja l-investment policy prudenti addottata mill-MAPFRE MSV Life, ir-rizultati tal-passat m’humiex garanzija tal-futur. Ghalkemm l-investimenti With Profits tal-MAPFRE MSV Life ġeneralment ipprovdew lill-detenturi tal-polza dħul stabbli u sodisfaċenti meta mqabbel ma’ prodotti
simili ta’ nvestiment, ir-redditu tal-investiment jista’ jvarja speċjalment fi żminijiet ta’ inċertezza. Filwaqt li, fiż-żmien tal-kitba, is-swieq tal-ekwità tjiebu minn tmiem l-2022, il-volatilità għadha għolja u mistennija tibqa’ elevata mill-inqas fil-futur qrib. Il-movimenti tal-valur ġust u r-redditi fuq l-investiment jaffettwaw direttament ir-rati ta’ bonuses iddikjarati mill-Kumpanija. Għalhekk,
il-Bonuses Regolari huma mistennija li jvarjaw tul il-ħajja tal-polza filwaqt li l-Bonuses Finali x’aktarx ikunu volatili ħafna u dipendenti ħafna fuq il-prestazzjoni tal-investiment tal-Fond fiż-żmien tal-maturità tal-pjan jew fil-ħin tal-mewt tal-ħajja assigurata. Kull wieħed jew aktar mill-bonuses finali msemmija hawn fuq xorta jistgħu jinbidlu jew jiġu rtirati għal kollox mill-Kumpanija fi kwalunkwe ħin, u b’hekk jaffettwaw il-ħlas finali jew meta pjan jimmatura jew mal-mewt tal-ħajja assigurata kif diġà kien spjegat.
Il-Fond MAPFRE MSV Life With-Profits
Il-flus tal-With Profits policyholders tal-MAPFRE MSV Life huma nvestiti fil-MAPFRE MSV Life With Profits Fund. B’aktar minn €1.89 biljun ta’ assi investiti u b’aktar minn 78,000 polza attiva, il-MAPFRE MSV With Profits Fund huwa wieħed mill-akbar managed savings funds f’Malta. Id-daqs u s-saħħa tal-fond jippermetti li jsir investiment f’firxa wiesgħa ħafna ta’ assi globali. L-għan tal-MAPFRE MSV Life With Profits Fund hu li joffri dħul rejali fit-tul li huwa kompetittiv u li jkun relattivament stabbli komparata mal-volatilita tas-swieq finanzjarji filwaqt li jipprovdi garanziji relattivi fuq il-kapital. Dan ifisser li l-investimenti With Profits għadhom għażla tajba għal investituri li jfittxu tkabbir kontinwu minn firxa ta’ investimenti fit-tul b’ċertu protezzjoni. Fi żminijiet ta’ inċertezza, il-benefiċċji tal-bilanċ bejn dħul u garanziji jagħtu vantaġġ lil minn jinvesti fil-With Profits fuq forom oħra ta’ investiment.
Poloz li jinvestu fil-With Profits Fund għandhom erba’ elementi mportanti li wieħed mhux normalment isib f’investimenti oħra komparabbli. L-ewwel nett, l-ammont investit wara li jitnaqqsu l-ispejjeż tal-prodott huwa garantit li jiġi mħallas lura meta l-polza timmatura jew f’każ ta’ mewt jekk din tiġri qabel. It-tieni, bonuses regolari jiġu miżjuda ma’ l-investiment kull sena. La darba jitħallsu, il-bonuses regolari huma garantiti u ma jistgħux jittieħdu lura. It-tielet, jekk l-investiment jinżamm ghal perjodu ta’ aktar minn 10 snin, jista’ jithallas bonus finali meta’ l-polza timmatura jew f’każ ta’ mewt liema bonus jiddependi mill-andament tal-Fund. Fl-aħħarnett, il-poloz With Profits huma effiċjenti għal fini ta’ taxxa.
MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c (C-15722) hija awtorizzata mill-Awtorità għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta’ Malta (MFSA) biex tmexxi negozju tal-assigurazzjoni fit-tul taħt l-Att dwar il-Kummerċ tal- Assigurazzjoni, Kap 403 tal- Liġijiet ta’ Malta. MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. hija regolata mill-MFSA.
Trattament tat-taxxa jiddependi minn ċirkostanzi ndividwali u ibbazat fuq il-leġislazzjoni tat-Taxxa preżenti li jista’ jinbidel fil-futur. Il-qligħ mill-investiment jista’ jinżel jew jitla’, u l-passat mhuwiex neċessarjament gwida għar-riżultati fil-futur. Anki t-tibdil fir-rata tal-kambju tal-muniti jista’ jaffettwa l-valur tal-investimenti.