Manufacturer of the product is: MAPFRE Middlesea
MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. (C-5553) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) to carry on both long term and general business under the Insurance Business Act, Cap. 403 of the Laws of Malta. MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. is regulated by the MFSA.
Steps to claim
All motor claims should follow these steps listed below to ensure your claim can be accepted, speed up processing and ensure your claim is managed efficiently. You can also follow these steps through this guide
Step 1. Notification
In case you are involved in an accident you are kindly requested to notify us immediately of this by completing this claim form and sending it to or by visiting our offices.
You can also log into MyInsurance and register your claim by inserting your policy number.
Step 2. Requirements
Please find below a list of the documentation which should be forwarded to our offices together with your completed claim form:
- Copy of the driver’s driving license.
- Copy of front to rear form, if applicable. Not sure how to fill in the front to rear form? Watch a tutorial here.
- Warden report number.
- Photos of accident or site of accident, if available.
- Police report, if applicable.
You can attach these documents to the claim form and send them to our offices by post or email to Middlesea Insurance p.l.c. reserves the right to request any additional information and/or documentation as deemed necessary.
Step 3. Policy Excess Payment
Your motor policy usually carries an excess, which is the first amount you are liable to pay to enable us to process your claim. You can pay the applicable excess by sending a cheque payable to MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. You can also call directly at our offices and pay by cash, debit or credit card. Alternatively you can settle the amount due through internet banking. Before effecting payment it is important that you confirm the excess amount due with our offices.
Fill in the Motor Claim Form below
In respect of authorised motor vehicle repairs, we do not distinguish between QVR and non QVR certified repair shops for direct settlement payments