Travel Insurance –
COVID-19 Extension FAQs

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This Product is manufactured by MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c.

MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. (C-5553) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) to carry on both long term and general business under the Insurance Business Act, Cap. 403 of the Laws of Malta. MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. is regulated by the MFSA.

COVID-19 Extension

The following Frequently Asked Questions will provide you with a clear understanding of the cover under the COVID-19 extension which is available under the MAPFRE Middlesea Travel insurance products.

The full policy and the COVID-19 extension wordings are available on our website

It is important that at the time of purchasing your policy, you or your travelling companion or your close relative(s) and persons hosting you abroad, do not have symptoms of COVID-19, have not tested positive or are waiting for a test result for COVID-19.

What cover does the COVID-19 extension provide?

The COVID-19 extension covers you for non-refundable cancellation expenses and the necessary additional expenses incurred if you have to unavoidably cancel your trip, have to stay beyond the original return date or if you need medical treatment abroad as a result of COVID-19.

How can I purchase the COVID-19 extension?
The COVID-19 extension is available along with a travel insurance product, so when taking out a travel insurance you can opt to purchase the COVID-19 extension at an additional premium which varies according to the travel plan selected. The policy including the COVID-19 extension can be purchased at any time before your departure date.
Can I get the COVID-19 cover extension under my annual travel policy?
Yes, the COVID-19 cover extension is available under all our travel products at an additional premium per person per trip. You can extend your Travel Open Cover, your active section 3 of your Max Protect Insurance and your active section 8 of your SME Policy
If Malta or the country I am visiting are put into lockdown, or there is a travel ban imposed on them, can i claim under the policy?

Unfortunately, this cover is not available under the policy. If this happens you may wish to contact the Maltese embassy in the country you are staying for guidance and assistance in returning to Malta.

Am i covered if due to an increased in COVID-19 cases, I am concerned and no longer wish to travel to the countries that I have planned to visit?
Our travel insurance products will not provide cover if you are afraid or concerned and choose not to travel.
What happens if I no longer wish to travel due to imposed quarantine by the Government or relevant Authorities of one of the countries I am visiting , or the Maltese Authorities impose a quarantine on my return to Malta?
The Authorities are always changing regulations relating to travelling and quarantines according to the situation of the country. Unfortunately, our travel insurance products will not provide cover if you decide to cancel your trip, because of a change in regulations.
Is the COVID-19 extension available for any trip anywhere in the world?

Yes, the COVID-19 extension is available for all trips anywhere in the world.

Is there an age limit for the COVID-19 extension?
Yes, the COVID-19 extension is not available for persons over 80 years of age.
Will I be covered if I am awaiting a test result and this does not arrive in time before i board the plane or boat?

Unfortunately, the policy does not cover you in such an instance.

Am I covered if the persons that are hosting me abroad die, fall ill, must quarantine or are forced to self-isolate due to COVID-19?
Yes, you can decide to cancel your trip and the policy will pay you for non-refundable cancellation expenses.
What happens if I have contracted COVID-19 before starting the trip?

The policy will pay you for non-refundable cancellation expenses.

Whats happens if I am forced to quarantine in Malta before starting the trip?
If you or your travelling companion or your close relative(s) have a positive COVID-19 test result confirmed within 14 days of your departure date from Malta, then the policy will pay any non-refundable deposits and cancellation expenses you have to pay for unused travel and accommodation if it is necessary for you to cancel your trip.

There is no cover under the extension if none of these persons have a positive result to COVID-19 but you are still forced to stay in quarantine and cancel your trip.

Am I covered if whist on my trip I am told to stay in quarantine due to COVID-19?
Yes, the policy covers you for reasonable additional expenses for accommodation and additional travel expenses if you or your travelling companion are hospitalized, forced to self-isolate or confined to your accommodation in quarantine due to contact with an infected person(s) and you have to stay abroad beyond your planned return date.

The policy will also cover you for additional travel expenses which are necessary to get you home, if you are unable to use your return ticket.

The only instance where no cover applies is when the entire ship, plane or bus in which you were travelling is put under quarantine and you are not COVID-19 positive.

If I am forced to quarantine or self-isolate whilst on my trip, when does cover for additional accommodation expenses commence?
The policy will cover reasonable additional accommodation expenses beyond the intended return date. Therefore, cover will operate as from the first day after your intended return date and not before.
What happens if on my outward journey from Malta, I am denied boarding because I show symptoms of COVID-19?

If you are denied boarding and your transport or accommodation provider does not reimburse you or offer you alternative dates, then you must get written evidence from your transport provider that boarding has been denied due to possible COVID-19 infection and you must take a COVID-19 test, at your expense, within 24 hours of the denial.

If your COVID-19 test result is negative, then there is no cover.

But, if your test result is positive, then the policy will pay you for non-refundable cancellation expenses.

Will I be covered if I am hospitalised abroad due to COVID-19?
The COVID-19 extension covers you for any COVID-19 emergency medical expenses including rescue services to take you to the hospital and in-patient treatment.
What happens if I die with COVID-19 whilst abroad?

The policy covers the costs to return your body back to Malta or the cost of burial or cremation in the country abroad where the death occurred.

What should I do if I contract COVID-19 whilst I am abroad?

If you contract COVID-19 whilst abroad and you have an emergency, you may reach our World-Wide Emergency Assistance – MAPFRE ASSIST on telephone number 00356-22480209.
If possible, please have your Policy number or the ID card number of the main policy holder at hand before calling.

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