Manufacturer of the product is: MAPFRE Middlesea
MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. (C-5553) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) to carry on both long term and general business under the Insurance Business Act, Cap. 403 of the Laws of Malta. MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. is regulated by the MFSA.
Our travel policy allows you to travel with peace of mind knowing that should anything go wrong, you have the best level of protection.
The product is designed to cater for standard travelling needs whether you are travelling for business, pleasure or otherwise.
The travel policy includes worldwide travel assistance on a 24/7 basis from our call-centre in Malta.
For more information about Travel Insurance you can download this document here and here.
Section Limits per person | Low Cost Euro | Economy Euro | Club Euro | Excess Euro per person |
1A | Cancellation Abandonment | 1,200 | 5,500 | 7,500 | 50 |
1B | Trip Cancellation | 1,200 | 2,000 | 3,000 | 50 |
2A | Medical Expenses | 50,000 | 250,000 | 750,000 | 50 |
2Ba | Hospital Benefit | 500 | 750 | 1000 | Nil |
2Bb | Treatment in Malta | 750 | 1,000 | 1,250 | Nil |
3A | Delayed Departure | 250 | 250 | 500 | Nil |
3B | Missed Departure | 250 | 750 | 1,500 | Nil |
3C | Hijack | 500 | 500 | 500 | Nil |
4A | Personal Money | 1,000 | 1,500 | 2,500 | 50 |
4B | Baggage | 1000 | 2,500 | 3,500 | 50 |
4B | Baggage - Limit Per Item | 500 | 750 | 1,000 | - |
4C | Delayed Luggage | 150 | 350 | 1000 | Nil |
4D | Travel Documents | 125 | 200 | 250 | Nil |
4E | Rental Vehicle Policy Excess | 500 | 750 | 1000 | Nil |
5 | Liability | 1,250,000 | 1,250,000 | 1,250,000 | 50 |
6 | Personal Accident | 10,000 | 20,000 | 45,000 | Nil |
6 | Personal Accident - if under 16 years old | 5,000 | 10,000 | 25,000 | Nil |
Important Note: The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or the Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) for UK citizens provides you with free or reduced-cost emergency medical treatment in countries within the European Economic Area (EEA). Keep the EHIC/GHIC card safe, preferably with your passport, and carry it with you when travelling within the EEA. For more information and/or to obtain the card please visit EHIC – European Health Insurance Card – EHIC – European Health Insurance Card –
Benefits and Advantages
Unavoidable cancellation
We cover you if the travel is unavoidably cancelled as a result of the departure from Malta being delayed for at least 24 hours.
Inevitable lengthening of trip
We will pay you for reasonable extra travel and lodging charges suffered due to the inevitable lengthening of your trip.
Abandonment of Trip
Extra costs will be paid if you must abandon the trip because your home or that of your travelling companion(s) is made unfit to live in by fire, explosion, storm, flooding or impact by aircraft. We cover this event if it happens after you have purchased this policy or booked your trip, whichever is the later. We cover also the costs of your return if you or your travelling companion(s) is required by the police authorities to stay at home or at the place of work as a result of burglary, theft or vandalism.
Emergency medical treatments
Additional Accommodation Expenses
If you are warned by a doctor that you should stay longer outside Malta than you planned, we include the cost of additional room only accommodation expenses of a similar kind to the one you previously had. We also cover the extra travel and room only accommodation costs of one relative who has to travel or stay with you, providing both if it is necessary.
If your international transport by aircraft, ship or train is delayed on leaving abroad or returning back to Malta, we will pay you the amount fixed in the schedule for every 8 hour period you are delayed.
Personal Belongings
We will pay you the expenses to substitute or mend your personal belongings if during your travel these are accidentally damaged, lost or stolen. This includes luggage, clothing, valuables, sports equipment, musical instruments and other items which you normally wear or carry with you.
Lost Luggage
We cover the cost to obtain essential items if your luggage is temporarily lost (more than 8 hours).
Travel documents
Your Legal Liability
In the case of an accident during your trip, if anyone is bodily injured, we will cover you against your legal liability for damages, claimant’s costs and expenses.
General Conditions
This insurance protects you while you are travelling. In case of emergency, policyholders may reach our Call Centre on (+356) 2248 0209.
- With this insurance you can choose between 3 progressive levels of coverage with increasing compensations: Low Cost, Economy and Club. This policy applies only to persons resident in Malta who are taking conventional non-working holidays or business trips. We should be informed if you aim to include a planned sporting activity during your trip.
- If you cannot avoid cancelling or abandoning your trip, we will cover travel and accommodation expenses, including kennel and cattery fees, that you have already paid or contracted to pay and which you cannot get back. This includes too prepaid car hire, excursions, tours or leisure activities.
- We will pay for travel and accommodation expenses, including kennel and cattery fees already paid or contracted, prepaid car hire, excursions or activities, if your journey by air or sea is cancelled due to extreme weather conditions, natural catastrophes or labour strikes. We cover you if it is provided that such cancellation could not reasonably have been expected at the time of contracting the policy.
- We will pay you reasonable extra travel costs if you need to abandon the trip because you, your travelling companion(s), or your close relative(s), is seriously bodily injured, falls gravely ill or is quarantined.
- We will pay extra charges if you have to abandon your travel because you or your travelling companion(s) is called for jury service or as a witness in a Maltese court of law. Also, if you or your companion is unwillingly made redundant and registered as unemployed.
- We will pay for emergency medical treatments outside Malta including rescue services to take you to hospital. We also cover emergency dental treatment for the immediate relief of pain. We will not pay the cost of any non-emergency treatment or surgery which are not directly related to the illness or injury for which you originally went into hospital.
- We will pay you for loss of your personal money and financial loss resulting from any credit and debit cards issued in Malta, being stolen or accidentally lost and then used by someone other than you during your travel. This includes credit, debit, cheque, bankers or cash dispenser cards. We will not pay for any loss or robbery which you do not report to the authorities and obtain a written report from them within 24 hours of discovery.
Requirements & Restrictions
This policy has certain requirements that shall be evaluated by the customer. It is crucial to consider them in order to decide which insurance policy satisfies better the policyholder needs.
- You must do all that you reasonably can to prevent loss or damage to property insured under this policy and to maintain such property in a good condition.
The following restrictions apply to the policy:
We do not cover an illness if you have travelled against the advice of a doctor. We do not cover either a medical condition for which you were planning to obtain medical treatment during your trip.
- We do not cover you if you did not receive or have the recommended inoculations and/or took the recommended medication for your travel.
- We will not pay you in case of an incident if you are under the influence of alcohol, solvents or drugs except drugs prescribed by a doctor other than for the treatment of drug abuse.
- We will not cover you if you are taking part in any flying or other aerial activities of any kind, other than as a fare paying passenger in a fully licensed carrying aircraft.
- Motorcycling as a rider or passenger on a machine in excess of 125 cc is excluded.
- We do not cover loss or damage of your properties which happens gradually or is caused by subsidence, heave or landslip.
- We do not cover loss or damage of your properties caused by or resulting from rust, corrosion, wet or dry rot, mould, vermin, insects, fungus, deterioration, latent defects or poor workmanship, or the use of faulty materials or wear and tear. Defect in construction or installation, faulty design, latent defects atmospheric or climatic conditions, the action of light, ingress of water, process of restoration are also excluded.
- We do not cover the use of animals (except domestic animals), firearms, aircrafts including unpowered flight, motorized vehicles, boats, or other vessels (except manually propelled watercraft).
- Coverage is not provided for damage or loss caused by war, invasion, rebellion, martial law, and confiscation or nationalisation of property under the order of any government or public authority.
- We do not pay for direct or indirect loss or damage caused by computer viruses.
- We do not cover any loss caused by, resulting from, arising out of or related to Pandemic, Epidemic or Coronavirus Diseases (however COVID-19 cover can be bought back by extension)
Recommendations for use
We recommend to the policyholder, in order to receive benefits from all the guarantees of the policy, to consider some relevant aspects before and after contracting the insurance:
- You or your legal representatives must give the company notice, as soon as reasonably possible, of any accident or incident. You must send us every information about the event in your possession.
- You have to inform the police without delay about any property which has been lost, stolen or damaged. Also, you must do all you can to recuperate any lost or stolen item.
- You must notify the authorities of any lost or stolen credit and debit card.
- You must forward us immediately (and unanswered) any writ, summons or other legal documents in connection with any claim or legal liability resulting from injury or damage.
- You cannot admit, reject or negotiate on any claim with anyone else without our written permission.
- Where fraud (including exaggeration) is detected, claims will not be covered and we may inform the police for criminal prosecution.
- We may at our cost, start legal action in your name to recover compensation from others in respect of any amount payable under this policy.
- If any loss or damage, which you are claiming for under this policy, is covered by any other insurance, we will pay you only a proportional part of that claim.
- If we disagree about the sum to be paid under this policy, you and we have the right to refer to arbitration. We will inform you of this option and you must then write and tell us if you want to proceed. An arbitrator will be appointed in accordance with the statutory provisions. The distribution of the expenses of the arbitration will be determined by the arbitrator. The making of an award is a condition precedent to any right of action against us. Arbitration procedure does not restrain you from appealing against the decision in a court of law.
- If before the expiry of the period of insurance you are prevented from making your planned return journey, due to your bodily injury or illness, the duration of the policy is extended automatically without additional premium for up to a maximum of 30 days.