Pet Insurance

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This Product is manufactured by MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c.

MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. (C-5553) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) to carry on both long term and general business under the Insurance Business Act, Cap. 403 of the Laws of Malta. MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. is regulated by the MFSA.

Pets are often considered to be members of our family. With their loyalty, cuteness, and displays of affection and appreciation, it is hard not to love them. However, as any pet owner can testify, when a pet is hurt or gets sick, the costs can amount to as much as they do when a human gets sick.

The Mapfre Middlesea Pet Insurance, incorporates the necessary coverage needed for dogs and cats, in order to provide protection for pets and their owners. This insurance product provides coverage for veterinary care in case of illness or accident, theft or loss and expenses associated with the death of the animal.

The basic coverage offers compensation of the value of the animal in the event of accidental death or theft, reimbursement of veterinary care costs caused by an accident, the costs of the pet’s stay in a kennel or cattery when the owner is hospitalised, the cost of advertising the pet’s loss in the media and reward in case the pet is recovered, legal expenses and third party liability cover.

The policy also offers some optional coverage. The customer can opt for coverage of veterinary expenses due to illness. With this cover, MAPFRE Middlesea will reimburse the reasonable expenses incurred for veterinary fees such as tests, surgery, anaesthesia and hospitalisation in a vet clinic up to a maximum of €1,000 per policy period. Customers can also opt for cover whilst travelling with their pet outside Malta.

Your MAPFRE Middlesea Insurance policy includes a wide protection for pets and their owners.
This insurance protects dogs and cats, in order to provide protection for pets and their owners.

We will cover the veterinary care expenses and the agreed value of the insured pet due to death or necessary putting down, which are produced by an accident suffered by the insured pet. The accident may be caused by run over, fights with other animals unless organised, fractures, trauma or internal injuries suffered because of an accident or in the pet’s normal activity of running or jumping.

Bodily injuries caused by traffic accidents are covered. Also, falls from heights causing the pet trauma or internal injuries are included.

We cover injuries caused by the ingestion of foreign bodies (limited to one accident per period of insurance). Any other injury derived from an external, sudden, violent cause, against the owner’s will are covered. This includes acts of vandalism, and poisoning occurring 12 months after the beginning of this policy. Veterinary care expenses following accidents will not come into force until 15 days have passed from the effective date of the first period of insurance.

We will cover the theft of the insured pet. We cover too, if it’s counselled by a veterinarian, the putting down of the insured pet.

We will pay you for the pet’s stay at a kennel or cattery, provided that you are hospitalised due to accident or illness, and that the pet cannot be looked after by a relative. The maximum length of the pet’s stay at a kennel or cattery shall be the same as the number of days in which you are hospitalised, although it may be extended for a further two days to permit hospital admittance and release.

The expenses incurred by you as a result of your judicial or arbitral interventions resulting from the ownership of the insured pet are covered.

We will cover you against your legal liability for property damage and bodily injury, claimant’s costs and expenses incurred solely as owner of the pet. We will also pay your defence costs and legal expenses, if we agree to do so in advance, up to the maximum limit as specified in the schedule. This applies to incidents which take place during the period of insurance in Malta.

This policy has certain requirements that shall be evaluated by the customer. It is very important to consider them in order to decide which insurance policy satisfies better the policyholder needs.

You must do all that you can to prevent loss of and damage caused by the insured pet under this policy, and to maintain it in a healthy state of well-being.

The following restrictions apply to the policy:

  • We will not cover costs, expenses or fees for preparing any claim you execute under this policy.
  • Pets, other than those specified in the schedule, are excluded.
  • We will not pay for loss or damage occurring or coming from an incident which happens before this policy commences;
  • Fines, penalties, punitive or exemplary damages are excluded.
  • Claim resulting from deception by you is not covered. We do not cover either claim arising from the owner’s pre-meditated or malicious acts.
  • We do not cover pre-existing medical conditions of the cat or dog.
  • We will not cover pets trained to guard, or for working purposes except guide dogs.
  • We will not pay for the expenses of any treatment if a claim has not been submitted within 1 year of the pet receiving treatment. We will not cover either the cost of any treatment being necessary more than 12 months after the date the accident happened, or the illness was first treated. Chronic illness of any kind is excluded.
  • We do not cover bodily injuries or death caused by war, terrorism, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities, riot, civil disturbance, rebellion, revolution or commotion.
  • We do not pay for bodily injuries or death caused by any chemical, biological, bio-chemical or electromagnetic weapon, ionizing radiation, radioactivity, or nuclear equipment.
  • We will not cover veterinary expenses caused by poisoning or intoxication for the first 12 months of cover in force. We will not cover either lesions or diseases due to the pet’s age.
  • We do not pay for surgical operations of a cosmetic type, such as those carried out on some breeds for modelling ears or tails, as well as nail removal.
  • We will not cover veterinary expenses caused by taking part in hunting.
  • We will not pay the costs of a cattery or kennel when the hospitalisation is of a person other than you.
  • We do not cover any loss caused by, resulting from, arising out of or related to Pandemic, Epidemic or Coronavirus Diseases.
We recommend to the policyholder, in order to receive benefits of all the guarantees of the policy, to consider some relevant aspects before and after contracting the policy:
  • As soon as you become aware of an event or motive that may lead to a claim, you or your legal representatives must inform us as soon as possible, and provide us at your own expense with all the information and help we need.
  • You must communicate immediately about any loss relating to your pet to the police or the local council, and do all you can to recover your pet or minimize the loss.
  • You have to forward to us immediately and unanswered any writ, summons or other legal documents served on you or your family, in connection with any claim or legal liability derived from ownership of your pet;
  • You cannot discuss, admit, reject or negotiate on any claim with anyone else without our written consent. We may take control and carry, completely and exclusively, the defence or settlement of any claim in your name.
  • We may, for our own benefit, start legal action in your name to recover compensation from others in respect of any amount paid or payable under this policy.
  • Once we have made the payment of a claim, we will have no further liability for it.
  • Where fraud (including exaggeration) is detected, claims will not be covered and we may refer it to the police for criminal prosecution. The policy may be declared as invalid, and we may also take other actions consistent with our legal rights.
  • You may cancel this policy at any time during its term. Any refund of premium will be worked out from the date we receive your cancellation order. We will return part of the premium calculated on our cancellation rates for the unexpired period of insurance, provided no claim has been made in the current term of insurance.
  • If we disagree about the amount to be paid under this policy (liability being then admitted), you and we have the right to refer to arbitration. We will inform you of this option and you must then write and tell us if you want to proceed. An arbitrator will be appointed. The apportionment of the sums and expenses of the arbitration will be determined by the arbitrator. The making of an award is a condition precedent to any right of action against us. Using the arbitration procedure does not preclude you from appealing against the arbitrator’s decision in a court of law.

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