Car Insurance in Malta – FAQs

This Product is manufactured by MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c.

MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. (C-5553) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) to carry on both long term and general business under the Insurance Business Act, Cap. 403 of the Laws of Malta. MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. is regulated by the MFSA.

What is the car’s market value?
The market value is the amount your car is worth at a particular point in time. If you have an accident and the car is declared a total loss, you will be paid the market value of the car at the time of loss or your sum insured, whichever is the lower. Therefore, it is important that you revise the market value of your car every year so that it reflects as much as possible the actual worth of your car in the local market.
What should I do in case I am involved in an accident?

First you should check whether anybody is injured. If yes, you need to call the police and an ambulance, if this is required. If the accident is a bumper to bumper and there are no injuries you can fill out a front to rear form with all the parties involved. In this instance, there is no need to call the wardens or police. Therefore, it is important that you keep copies of empty front to rear forms in your car just in case.

If the accident is not a bumper to bumper, then you need to call the wardens on 21 320202. Ideally, you take photos of the vehicles’ position and you do not move them unless instructed by the police. It is important that you do not discuss and admit liability on site. You can then call us or visit any of our offices to report the accident and lodge in a claim.

What happens if my car breaks down?

You can call Middlesea Assist call centre on 2248 0200 on a 24/7 basis. All types of covers for private vehicles benefit from free towing.

Am I entitled to a replacement car whilst my own is being repaired?
Yes, if your cover is comprehensive then you are entitled for a replacement car whilst your own car is being repaired for the number of days agreed by the surveyor and your repairer and up to a specified amount. If you are not at fault for the accident and you are not insured for own damages then you are entitled for a replacement vehicle from the third party’s insurer.
How am I covered if I drive my car abroad?
If you drive within EU countries you are covered automatically for third party liability. Moreover, if your vehicle is insured on a comprehensive or third party, fire & theft basis you can benefit from the same cover for 30 days free of charge if you advise us of the dates when traveling. In the event that you will exceed the 30 days an additional premium will apply.
Who is covered to drive my car?
This depends on the option you have chosen when taking up your insurance cover. It is important that you make sure that the authorised drivers on your insurance policy are the ones who will actually be driving your vehicle. For example, if the cover is restricted to any driver over 25 years then drivers below that age will not be covered whilst driving. If you require any changes to your policy you can contact any of our offices for guidance and assistance.
What is the excess?
This is the first amount you will need to pay in case you have a claim. The amount can vary depending on age of driver and other terms and conditions of the policy. If your claim is for third party damages only then there is no excess to pay.

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