Max Protect – FAQs

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This Product is manufactured by MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c.

MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. (C-5553) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) to carry on both long term and general business under the Insurance Business Act, Cap. 403 of the Laws of Malta. MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. is regulated by the MFSA.

What does Max Protect Insurance cover, exactly?
MAPFRE Middlesea’s Max Protect Insurance will provide you with the absolute peace of mind you seek. With Max Protect, you can rest assured knowing that should you find yourself enduring a fatal accident, your family will be covered from all costs. This policy provides two different coverages as well as an optional cover pertaining to travel.

Without further ado, what does a standard Max Protect Insurance policy cover, exactly?

Funeral and burial expenses:

  • If the beneficiary passes away, we will pay the limits specified in the Schedule pertaining to the funeral- and burial-related costs.
  • Further to the above, we will also cover all costs regarding the coordination, organization and management of the proceedings for the funeral and burial in Malta. Please note that this would have to be done through our own network of independent providers.
  • Optional Extension: should the beneficiary choose an alternative location outside of Malta for his/her funeral and burial, we will pay for this within the specified limits of the Schedule without the provisional services of coordinating, organizing and managing the proceedings for the funeral and burial.

Personal accident:

  • If the insured person suffer bodily injury directly from an accident caused by external, violent and visible means we will pay up to the limits specified in the Schedule any expenses pertaining to the death, disability or medically-related expenses according to the scale of compensation.

Travel (Optional):

  • For more information on this optional cover, please see our standard travel (short-term) policy which is based on the Low Cost, Economy and Club levels of cover.

Now that you know what our Max Protect Insurance policy covers, one could begin to realize how essential this coverage may be for you and your loved ones. With MAPFRE Middlesea’s Max Protect Insurance, you will receive sufficient coverage within a fair price range, allowing you to save a significant amount of money in the long-run.

What does Max Protect Insurance exclude?

It is in your best interest to be fully aware of the policy conditons and exclusions before purchasing this policy.

Some general exclusions are as follows. We will not pay for the death and/or bodily injury which occurs as a consequence of:

  • suicide within the first 12 months of the policy, intentional self-injury, intoxication or insanity as a result of being under the influence of drugs or willful exposure to needless risks;
  • Pregnancy or childbirth in the case of any insured female persons;
  • Any pre-existing physical defects or infirmity

What does the Max Protect Insurance exclude with respect to funeral and burial expenditure?

We will not pay:

  • for any part of the total cost of claim exceeding the limits specified in the Schedule
  • For any services arranged with authorization from MAPFRE Middlesea. for payments withoutprior consent of MAPFRE Middlesea;
  • when the essential information relating to the insured person is false, or if we are is misinformed, making t impossible for us to attend to the matter correctly

Personal accident exclusions:

  • Certain situations relating to high-risk sports will not be covered in this policy. Notwithstanding this, we will not pay for any bodily injuries sustained as a consequence of engaging in military, naval and air services, or operations, motorcycling, hunting, winter sports, mountaineering, rock-climbing (necessitating the use of ropes and guides), potholing, skin diving, riding or driving in any form of race of endurance test (including practice) or aviation (other than as a fare-paying passenger in a fully licensed, passenger-carrying aircraft).
  • Any temporary or total disabilities when you are not employed on a full-time basis will not be paid for either.

Exclusions relating to the optional travel coverage:

  • Certain restrictions will be placed according to your health, the destination you have chosen or the type of risk you take. Please see our Travel Policy for more details.

MAPFRE Middlesea’s Max Protect Insurance policy. will provide you with the best cover for your ordinary life routine as well as the ability to the travel with peace of mind, knowing that should anything go wrong that is out of your control, you will have the best possible level of protection.

What does the optional travel coverage for a Max Protect Insurance policy provide?

The standard Max Protect Insurance policy can be an overall very complete package for individuals who do not travel as often. However, if you do travel frequently, you may find that the Travel Annual Cover is worth considering.

With our Max Protect Insurance Travel Annual Cover, we promise to cover your expenses under the following circumstances:

  • Cancellation and abandonment: we will pay you for:
    1. Any travel and accommodation expenses, including kennel andcattery fees, prepaid car hire, excursions, tours or other activity-related fees that you would have already paid for or contracted to pay will be reimbursed under the circumstances that cancellation or abandonment of your trip is absolutely necessary and entirely unavoidable.
    2. Any reasonable extra travel costs if abandoning your trip is both necessary and unavoidable will also be covered, including if you or your travelling companions or close relatives is seriously injurec, falls seriously ill, is quarantined or passes away. For more information on this section please refer to the full policy wording
  • Emergency medical and associated expenses and Hospital Benefit: if you fall ill, become injured or die during your trip we will reimburse you for additional costs and expenses as noted under Section 3B in our full policy wording and up to the amount illustrated in the Schedule.
  • Delayed or missed departure and hijack: we will pay you the amount shown in your Schedule for:
    1. every 12 hour period you are delayed, reimburse your unused travel and accommodation expenses which you have already paid after you have been delayed for more than 24 hours and the unused kennel or cattery fees which you cannot get back
    2. the extra accommodation and travel costs you have to pay if you arrive at the point of departure too late to board the ship, aircraft or train in which you are booked to travel as a direct result of the interruption of scheduled transport service (caused by bad weather for example) or an accident with the vehicle in which you are travelling
    3. every 24 hours that you are restrained in the event of the hijack of the mode of transport on which you are travelling
  • Your money, belongings, travel documents and rental vehicle excess: we will pay you for:
    1. any loss of your personal funds or financial loss as a result of credit and debit cards that were issued in Malta being either stolen or accidentally lost and subsequently used by someone other than you during your trip.
    2. the cost of replacing or repairing (after deducting for wear-and-tear and depreciation where applicable) any of your personal belongings if, during your trip, these were accidentally damaged, lost or stolen.
    3. the cost to purchase essential items if your luggage is temporary lost on the outward ourney and you are without it for more than 12 hours
    4. reasonable and necessary travel, accommodation and communication expenses in order to obtain replacement travel documents if yours are accidentally damaged, lost or stolen whilst ou are abroad
    5. the rental vehicle policy excess if you are involved in an accident with a rented vehicle
  • Your liability to others

For more information on coverage, please see our Max Protect Insurance Policy.

What are the benefits of Max Protect Insurance?

The main benefit of MAPFRE Middlesea’s Max Protect Insurance is that it incorporates three covers in one, namely Funeral Expenses, Personal Accident, and the Travel Annual Cover insurance.

Planning a funeral is always a tough time for any family. Nothing in life is as heart-breaking and distressing as an unexpected death in the family. A funeral expenses policy is rarely considered, until the time to organise one comes unexpectedly. Funerals can cost thousands of euros but with a funeral expenses insurance, there is no need to worry as these expenses are taken care of, whilst all the preparations are coordinated for you by MAPFRE Middlesea.

A Personal Accident Cover helps to protect individuals and their families from financial hardship if the insured suffers a serious injury in an accident. The policy results in financial assistance in case the insured suffers permanent total or partial disablement or temporary total disablement. Such cases may include loss of one or more limbs or one or both eyes.

On a final note, the optional Travel Annual Cover insurance will provide you with peace of mind knowing that everything will be under control when planning a trip to your next destination. As long as you are insured with Max Protect, you do not need to purchase any short-term insurance policies pertaining to travel.

If you are interested in learning about our maximum limits, please continue reading below.

Depending on the level of coverage you choose from three available options, MAPFRE Middlesea will pay you as follows:

  • Death (including repatriation to Maltese Islands):
    • Insured persons aged 16 years and over:
      • Option A: €25,000
      • Option B: €50,000
      • Option C: €100,000
    • Insured persons up to 15 years old: each half in each of the covers (A, B, C)
  • Permanent Total / Partial Disability:
    • As per Disablement Scale
  • Temporary Total Disability:
    • Option A: €500
    • Option B: €750
    • Option C: €1000

    Weekly or 80% of weekly salary whichever is lower up to 104 weeks subject to a 7 day excess

  • Medical Expenses (Malta only):
    • Insured persons aged 16 years and over:
      • Option A: €1,000
      • Option B: €2,000
      • Option C: €3,000
  • Insured persons up to 15 years old: each half in each of the covers (A, B, C)In case of death, there are two options for the Funeral Expenses:
  • Funeral Cover:
    • Option A: €1,500
    • Option B: €3,000
  • Incineration /cremation (at crematorium of our choice):
    • Option A: not included
    • Option B: included
  • Repatriation outside the Maltese Islands:
    • Option A: €15,000
    • Option B: €15,000
  • There is a waiting period of 12 months with respect to suicide or attempted suicide.

Now that you know what the benefits of Max Protect Insurance are, we encourage you look at some of our other products as well, and decide according to your own individual needs.

What are the requirements for taking up a Max Protect Insurance policy?

As a general rule, the insured person must be healthy and one who leads a balanced lifestyle.

More specifically, what are the requirements for taking up a Max Protect Insurance policy?

  • The insured person must be from Malta. This should be demonstrated with the appropriate documentation.
  • Unless MAPFRE Middlesea and the insured agree otherwise, this contract of insurance is to be carried out in accordance to the Maltese law and, susceptible to what is otherwise expressly provided for herein, is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Maltese Courts. The cover provided by this policy shall apply only to judgements or orders delivered by or obtained from a Court in Malta. Furthermore, the cover shall not apply to a judgement or order obtained in Malta for the enforcement of a judgement obtained elsewhere or to costs and expenses of litigation recovered by any claimant whereby the costs and expenses of litigation are not incurred in Malta.
  • The age of the assured is subject to the payment and acceptance of renewal premiums. Cover for Personal Accident and Travel sections lapses automatically once the insured person reaches age 75, whilst funeral expenses coverage will remain in force until the time of death.
  • The policy does not cover the following:
    • Persons employed in the manufacture, storage, filling, breaking down, or transport of any fireworks, ammunition, fuses, cartridges, gunpowder, nitroglycerine, or any explosive gasses and/or air under pressure in containers other than butane and the like in low pressure containers;
    • Persons employed in underground work or diving or other underwater activities;
    • Persons employed in naval, military or air force service or operations and whole army activities.
  • there would need to be further underwriting and consideration for the following:
    • Clients with a history of past loss;
    • Pre-existing medical conditions.
  • We may ask you to undergo a proper medical screening before issuing the policy.

Now that you understand the requirements for taking up a Max Protect Insurance policy, you may for more information on the Max Protect Insurance.

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