Max Protect
Max Protect Insurance combines personal accident and funeral expenses
coverages with an optional
travel coverage.
Max Protect Insurance combines personal accident and funeral expenses coverages with an optional travel coverage.
This Product is manufactured by MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c.
MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. (C-5553) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) to carry on both long term and general business under the Insurance Business Act, Cap. 403 of the Laws of Malta. MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. is regulated by the MFSA.
Personal accidents
We cover bodily injury resulting only and directly from accident caused by external, forceful and visible causes, which independently of any other cause, result in death or disability, or medical expenses.
Funeral expenses
We cover funeral and burial related expenses upon the death of the policyholder. We pay for:
- The incineration at a crematorium or our choice if such service is selected by the family.
- The use of visiting rooms for a maximum of 3 days (vigil rooms).
- The repatriation of the mortal remains to Malta, if death happens during a travel abroad.
- The transfer of the body by carriage to the church and/or cemetery, the funeral service, and the hearse and taxis for people attending to the funeral.
- The preparation of the death certificate and any other documentation needed.
- The embalming service, dressing, cosmetology and other care services of the deceased, coffin or casket.
Optional and flexible travel coverage
You can choose between 3 progressive levels of travel coverage with increasing compensations: Low Cost, Economy and Club.
Cancellation and abandonment
We will indemnify you if the travel is unavoidably cancelled:
- As a result of the departure from Malta being delayed for at least 24 hours.
- Because your home or that of your travelling companion is made unfit to live in by fire, explosion, storm, flooding or impact by aircraft.
- If your journey by air or sea is cancelled due to extreme weather conditions, natural catastrophes or labour strikes.
- If your travelling companion(s), or your close relative(s), is seriously bodily injured, falls gravely ill or is quarantined.
- If you or your travelling companions are called for jury service or as a witness in a Maltese court of law.
- If you or your travelling companion(s) is unwillingly made redundant and registered as unemployed.
Extra travel and lodging charges
We pay you for reasonable extra travel and lodging charges suffered due to the inevitable lengthening of your trip.
Medical assistance
We cover emergency medical treatments outside Malta including rescue services to take you to hospital.
We cover the cost to obtain essential items if your luggage is temporarily lost (more than 12 hours).
Benefits and Advantages
Bodily Injury
We will pay you up to 104 weeks if you suffer bodily injury resulting exclusively and directly from an accident caused by external, violent and visible means which result in death, disability or medical expenses.
We will pay, upon death of the insured, for the funeral and burial related expenses.
Transfer of Body
We will include the transfer of the body by carriage to the church and/or cemetery, the funeral service, and the hearse and taxis for people attending to the funeral.
Death certificate
Notification of Death
We will cover the notification of death in a local newspaper, prayer cards or memorial folders, and flowers.
Optional Annual Travel Cover
With this insurance you can choose between 3 progressive levels of travel coverage with increasing compensations: Low Cost, Economy and Club.
Abandonment of Trip
If you choose the travel optional coverage, we will pay you if you have to abandon your travel because you (or your travelling companion) are called for jury service or as a witness in a Maltese court of law. Also, if you (or your companion) are unwillingly made redundant and registered as unemployed.
Extra costs will be covered if you must abandon the trip because your home or that of your travelling companion(s) is made unfit to live in by fire, explosion, storm, flooding or impact by aircraft.
Unavoidable Trip Cancellation
If you choose the travel optional coverage we cover you if the travel is unavoidably cancelled as a result of the departure from Malta being delayed for at least 24 hours.
Inevitable Lengthening of your trip
Emergency Medical Treatment
Lost Luggage
Personal Belongings
Travel Documents
General Conditions
This insurance combines personal accident and funeral expenses standard coverage. It also provides a travel annual optional cover.
We will pay you, up to the limits specified in the schedule, if you suffer bodily injury resulting only and directly from accident caused by external, violent and visible causes, which independently of any other cause result in death or disability, or medical expenses according to the scale of compensation. Reimbursement for the consequences of the same accident will not be paid under more than one item of the benefits in the schedule, except for medical expenses.
The Funeral Expenses cover pays, up to the agreed limits, for the embalming service, dressing, cosmetology and other care services of the deceased, coffin or casket. We will pay too for the use of visiting rooms for a maximum of 3 days (vigil room). We will cover the incineration/cremation at a crematorium of our choice, if such service is selected by the family.
We will organise, coordinate and deal with all the transport proceedings required, including the repatriation of the mortal remains to Malta if death happens during a trip out of Malta. The choice of transport used for the transfer rests with us.
You can choose between 3 progressive levels of travel coverage: Low Cost, Economy and Club. This coverage is optional.
If you cannot avoid cancelling or abandoning your trip, we will cover travel and accommodation expenses, including kennel and cattery fees, that you have already paid or contracted to pay and which you cannot get back. This includes too car hire, excursions, tours or leisure activities.
We will pay you reasonable extra travel costs if you need to abandon the trip because you, your travelling companion, or your close relative, is seriously bodily injured, falls gravely ill, is quarantined or dies.
We will pay for emergency medical treatments outside Malta, including rescue services to take you to hospital. We also cover emergency dental treatment only for the immediate relief of pain. We will not pay any form of treatment that your treating doctor and we think can reasonably wait until you return to Malta.
If your international transport by aircraft, ship or train is delayed on leaving abroad, we will pay you the amount fixed in the schedule for every 12 hour period you are delayed.
Requirements & Restrictions
- The payment and acceptance of renewal premiums cover for Personal Accident and Travel sections lapses automatically once the insured person reaches age 75, whilst Funeral Expenses cover remains in force until the time of death.
- We will provide cover only if you gave us all material information when applying for insurance or when making a claim and if said material information is true to the best of your knowledge and belief.
The following restrictions apply to the policy:
- We will not be liable in respect of death and bodily injury occurring as a consequence of suicide within the first 12 months of the policy, intentional self-injury, intoxication, insanity, or the influence of drugs on the policyholder.
- We will not cover injuries caused by wilful exposure to needless risks (except in an attempt to save human life).
- We will not be liable in respect of death and bodily injury caused by any pre-existing physical defect or illness.
- We will not cover loss, damage, liability, bodily injury or expenses directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to, or arising from nuclear energy risks.
- We will not cover loss of or damage to data or software, in particular any harmful change in data, or software, or computer programs that is caused by a deletion, a corruption or a deformation of the original structure, and any business interruption losses resulting from such loss of damage.
- Loss or damage resulting from an impairment in the function, availability, range of use or accessibility of data, software or computer programs, and any business interruption losses resulting from such damages are excluded.
- Coverage is not provided for damage or loss caused by war, invasion, rebellion, martial law, and confiscation or nationalisation of property under the order of any government or public authority.
- We will not cover any illness if you have travelled against the advice of a doctor.
- We will not cover a medical condition for which you were planning to obtain medical treatment during your trip.
- We do not cover you if you did not receive or have the recommended inoculations and/or took the recommended medication for your travel.
- We will not pay you in case of an incident if you are under the influence of alcohol, solvents or drugs except drugs prescribed by a doctor other than for the treatment of drug abuse.
- We do not cover any loss caused by, resulting from, arising out of or related to Pandemic, Epidemic or Coronavirus Diseases.
Recommendations for use
- You or your legal representatives must give the company notice, as soon as reasonably possible, of any accident or incident that may lead to a claim under this policy. You must send us, at your own expense, every information about the event in your possession.
- In case of the death of the insured person, the decease must be reported to us as soon as possible via phone to our Call Centre (24 hour service). The beneficiary will have to supply us, in writing if necessary, any information required, regarding the circumstances of death, authorise professionals to supply us all necessary information, and authorise us to render the required services.
- We may at our own cost, start legal actions in your name to recover compensation from others in respect of any amount payable under this policy.
- Where fraud (including exaggeration) is detected, claims will not be covered and we may inform the police for criminal prosecution. The policy may not only be considered invalid but we may also take other action consistent with our legal rights.
- If any loss or damage, which you are claiming for under this policy, is covered by any other insurance, we will pay you only a proportional part of that claim.
- You may cancel this policy at any time during its term. Any refund of premium will be worked out from the date we receive your cancellation instructions. Provided no claim or loss has arisen in the current period of insurance, we will return part of the premium after applying our cancellation rates.
- If we disagree about the sum to be paid under this policy, liability being admitted, you and we have the right to refer to arbitration. We will inform you of this option and you must then write and tell us if you want to proceed. An arbitrator will be appointed in accordance with the statutory provisions. The distribution of the expenses of the arbitration will be determined by the arbitrator. The making of an award is a condition precedent to any right of action against us. Arbitration procedure does not restrain you from appealing against the decision in a court of law.