This Product is manufactured by MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c.
MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. (C-5553) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) to carry on both long term and general business under the Insurance Business Act, Cap. 403 of the Laws of Malta. MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. is regulated by the MFSA.
A few cents a day can protect your greatest investment from unforeseen events. Our home policy offers a very wide level of protection against events which may severely damage your home buildings, contents or your personal effects.
The policy provides cover for:
- Accidental loss and/or or damage to the buildings and contents of your home.
- Accidental loss and/or damage to personal belongings and valuables whilst anywhere in Malta.
- Your liability to others and home assistance.
- Emergency services.
The standard cover also includes:
- Temporary alternative accommodation following a loss.
- Mechanical or electrical breakdown to air-conditioning and energy saving equipment.
- Trace and Access
- Loss or damage to Christmas, wedding and graduation gifts.
- Loss or damage to locks and keys.
- Refrigerator/Freezer contents.
- Personal money including credit and debit cards.
- Prams, Pushchairs and Wheelchairs
- Pedal cycles and sports equipment.
- Fire Extinguishing Expenses.
- Legal expenses.
- Metered water and oil
- Fatal Accident
- Benefit for Court Attendance
More information about our Home Insurance can be found here.
Benefits and Advantages
24/7 Call Centre
Unexpected Breakdown
We cover unexpected breakdown or damage to tap water piping, leaks from sanitary fixtures and fittings and fixed water installations inside your home.
Electrical Supply
We will cover complete failure of the electrical supply within your home as a result of a fault or damage to the fixed internal electrical installation
External Windows/Doors
We will pay for the breakage of glazing to external windows or doors which render your home insecure.
Professional Locksmith
We will cover the cost of a professional locksmith, in the case of your home being made insecure or if entry is impeded due to loss or theft of keys or damage to locks as a result of theft or any other accidental cause or in the event that a member of your household may have locked himself/herself in a room.
Security guard
Janitor service
Pest controller
Psychological Rehabilitation
In the case you suffer a covered fire or theft loss at your home and require psychological rehabilitation, an appointment will be scheduled at the first available convenience.
Mechanical or Electrical Breakdown
We will cover loss or damage produced by mechanical or electrical breakdown, to air conditioning units, solar heating systems, and photovoltaic systems which are permanently installed to the buildings, provided that an annual maintenance is accomplished.
New Fixtures and Fittings
We will pay for loss or damage to new fixtures and fittings whilst in the home for installation or in the course of installation, provided that no structural alterations to the buildings are needed.
Emergency Services
Loss or damage to the buildings caused when the fire, police, or ambulance services have to force in an entry or exit from your home is covered.
Newly acquired contents
Christmas, Wedding and Graduation Gifts
We will automatically increase the sum insured on contents during December for Christmas gifts bought and received; also, during the period one month before and one month after the wedding or graduation of any member of your family, normally living in your home; we cover therefore any gifts bought and received for such occasion.
Refrigerated / Frozen Food
We will pay for the costs to replace your food contained in your refrigerator or your freezer, which is made unfit for human consumption, if this is damaged by a rise or fall in temperature or contamination by refrigerant or refrigerant fumes.
Bicycles / Sports Equipment
We will cover for loss of or damage to your bicycles and your sports equipment in Malta.
Legal Expenses
We will pay your legal expenses incurred by you for legal proceedings in the event of a dispute relating to the purchase, hire, hire-purchase, service or repair of consumer goods. We pay too for the costs of legal actions related to contracts for the purchase of service for home improvements or your ownership or occupation of your main home.
Prams, Pushchairs and Wheelchairs
We will pay for accidental loss and/or damage insured under this Policy to prams, pushchairs and wheelchairs whilst anywhere in Malta.
Fire Fighting Appliances
We will pay you the cost of replenishing fire fighting appliances and accidental loss and/or damage to such appliances following an insured fire in your home.
Serving as a juror
General Conditions
This insurance provides protection to your home buildings, contents and your personal effects. Our Home policy offers you a 24/7 emergency repair service to secure your home and prevent further loss or damage following an emergency. Policyholders may reach our 24/7 Call Centre on 2248 0200.
- You are covered against loss or damage to the buildings and contents of your home. That excludes fences, gates, paths, drives, hedges, trees, shrubs, flood, plants and lawns, falling trees or branches.
- We will pay architects’ and surveyors’ charges to repair any loss or damage protected under this policy. We also cover the cost of removing rubble or propping up the damaged parts of the buildings. This comprises the costs of meeting building regulations or local authority bye-laws. Costs which are not agreed by us in advance are not covered.
- If your home is unhealthy to live in as a result of any loss of or damage insured, we will pay your rent including reasonable additional costs to accommodate your family and pets who normally live in your home, during the period needed to restore your home.
- If you lose the keys to the inside or outside doors of your home, or to the safes or alarms in your home, or they are stolen, we will either pay the cost of changing parts of the locks, or the charge to replace the locks. Also we cover the accidental damage to the locks of the outside doors, safes or alarms.
- We cover accidental loss or damage to personal belongings and valuables (anywhere in Malta). We will pay for loss of personal money in Malta and financial loss, proceeding from any credit and debit cards issued in Malta and being robbed or accidentally lost, and consequently used by someone other than you. We do not cover any loss due to confiscation, depreciation in value, or errors or omissions in receipts, payments, or accountancy with credit and debit cards regulations.
- We will cover you against your legal liability for damages and expenses incurred exclusively as owner, or occupier if anyone, other than you, is accidentally injured, falls ill or dies.
- In the event of your death, we will also cover your legal personal representatives in respect of your liability covered by this policy.
Requirements & Restrictions
This policy has certain requirements that shall be evaluated by the customer. It is crucial to consider them in order to decide which insurance policy satisfies better the policyholder needs.
You must do all that you reasonably can to prevent loss or damage to property insured under this policy, and to maintain such property in a sound condition.
The following restrictions apply to the policy:
- We do not cover costs in connection with maintenance services or for which a manufacturer, supplier or service provider is responsible under warranty or contract.
- We do not pay for loss or damage as a result from rust, corrosion, wet or dry rot, mould, vermin, insects, fungus, deterioration or wear and tear, movement, settlement or shrinkage, defect in construction or installation. Damages caused by the use of faulty, defective or poor design or workmanship, latent defects, the use of faulty or defective materials, the lack of or faulty maintenance, depreciation, loss of value, atmospheric or climatic conditions, mildew, rising damp, the action of light, ingress of water, any gradually operating cause, process of cleaning, washing, repair, alteration or restoration are also excluded.
- We do not cover loss or damage, as a result of confiscation, commandeering, nationalisation, seizure, restrain, detention, appropriation, requisition, detention or destruction of or damage to property by order of any government, public or local authority or items held by customs or other officials;
- The policy does not cover loss or damage to business goods, stocks or equipment, business money and business or professional use of musical instruments, photographic and sporting equipment and accessories.
- We do not cover loss or damage occurring or arising from an event which happens before the policy commence.
- The policy does not cover loss or damage caused by malicious computer codes, or the failure of a computer chip or computer software.
- We do not cover loss or damage caused by seepage, pollution or contamination, unless directly caused by a sudden identifiable, unintended and unexpected incident occurring entirely at a specific time and place during the period of insurance.
- The policy does not cover loss or damage arising caused by war, invasion or conflict. It does not cover either damages caused by chemical, biological, bio-chemical or electromagnetic weapons, ionising radiation, radioactivity or nuclear equipment.
- We do not cover the cost of damages caused by external overflows or replacement of cylinders, water heaters, boilers, radiators and sanitary ware.
- We do not cover any loss caused by, resulting from, arising out of or related to Pandemic, Epidemic or Coronavirus Diseases.
Recommendations for use
We recommend to the policyholder, in order to receive benefits of all the guarantees of the policy, to consider some relevant aspects before and after contracting the insurance:
- In case of an event or cause that may lead to a claim, you or your legal representatives must inform us, as soon as possible but in no case not later than 60 days, and provide us all the available information.
- You must inform the police immediately about any property which has been lost, stolen or damaged with malevolence. Also, you must notify them of any lost or stolen credit and debit card.
- You have to forward us immediately (and unanswered) any writ, summons or other legal documents in connection with any claim or legal liability resulting from injury or damage.
- You cannot admit, reject or negotiate on any claim with anyone else without our written permission.
- If you have agreed to sell your home, the buyer will have the benefit of the cover provided for the damage and loss of building up to the date the contract is completed, or up to the expiry date of the current period of insurance, whichever comes first (provided the building is not insured by or on his behalf).
- We will not cover or pay for loss or damage which you have caused, allowed to happen, chose to ignore or not reported to the authorities.
- If your home is unoccupied or unfurnished for more than 90 consecutive days, prior to loss or damage of valuables occurring, the policy will not cover the costs of them.
- We will cover the cost of the services visits, and labour that are needed for emergency repairs up to the limit stated in the policy wording. If the reparation surpass that amount, you will be responsible for the difference unless such repairs become payable as an insurable loss under any other coverage of the policy. We will not pay for any material or spare parts. You can claim a maximum of 3 interventions per year depending on the type of benefit used.
- You must not arrange for any repairs unless Middlesea Assist Ltd. have been notified and authorised such maintenances.