Electric Vehicle Insurance
Manufacturer of the product is: MAPFRE Middlesea
MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. (C-5553) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) to carry on both long term and general business under the Insurance Business Act, Cap. 403 of the Laws of Malta. MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. is regulated by the MFSA.
Please select an option
Levels of Cover
- Third Party Only:
Liability to others. - Third Party Fire & Theft:
Liability to others and loss of or damage to your car caused by fire, self-ignition, lightning, explosion, theft or attempted theft. - Comprehensive:
Liability to others and accidental loss of or damage to your motor vehicle.
All three levels of cover provide you with FREE Roadside Assistance and Breakdown Service which includes repair on the spot following mechanical or electrical breakdown, battery boost (applicable to hybrid vehicles only) and flat tyre assistance, towing of motor vehicle following a breakdown or accident, second delivery service, fuel delivery (applicable to hybrid vehicles only), towing to the nearest charging point in the event the vehicle runs out of charge and locksmith service.
The following limits apply:
- Battery Boost Assistance:
This cover is limited to 2 battery boost services in 1 week. - Fuel Delivery:
This service is limited to one service per policy period - Out of Charge:
This service is limited to one service per policy period - Locksmith Service:
This cover is limited to one locksmith service per policy period. - Overall Limit:
Roadside Assistance and Breakdown cover is limited to a maximum of four (4) breakdown services per electric vehicle insurance policy period across all covers.
Subject to some limitations, this cover is available anywhere within Europe.
Extensions to Cover | Comprehensive | Third Party Fire & Theft | Third Party Only |
Personal Accident | Included | Included | Included |
Medical Expenses | Included | Included | Included |
Breakage of Glass (Extension applies to Comprehensive, TPFT and TPO covers for Private Vehicles, and to Comprehensive cover only for Commercial Vehicles) | Included | Included | Included |
Use by the Motor, Hotel or Restaurant Trade | Included | Included | Included |
Legal Assistance for Uninsured Losses | Included | Included | Not Included |
Personal Belongings | Included | Included | Not Included |
Emergency Overnight Accommodation outside of Malta | Included | Included | Not Included |
Drive Battery Cover: (Electrical Overload damage, Consequential damage, Battery Scrappage, Decontamination Costs, Emergency Overnight…) | Included | Included | Not Included |
Lost Keys and Locks | Included | Included | Not Included |
Courtesy Vehicle (Private Vehicles Only) | Included | Included | Not Included |
Excess Waiver (Private Vehicles Only) * Applicable only if a home contents insurance policy issued by us, is valid and in force at the date and time of loss of the claim. | Included | Included | Not Included |
30 days Own Damage cover anywhere within the EEA and Switzerland | Included | Included | Not Included |
Optional Extensions | Comprehensive | Third Party Fire & Theft | Third Party Only |
Protection of your No Claims Discount (Private Vehicles Only) | Available | Available | Available |
Earthquake Cover | Available | Not Available | Not Available |
Benefits and Advantages
24/7 Call Centre
24/7 Call Centre on 2248-0200.
Repair on the Spot
Free repair on the spot following mechanical or electrical breakdown of your car.
Battery boost assistance
Second delivery service
Flat tyre assistance
Flat tyre assistance
Fuel delivery for hybrid vehicles
Fuel delivery for hybrid vehicles and towing to nearest charging point in the event the vehicle runs out of charge for electric vehicles
Locksmith service
Transport of the passengers
Service is provided in all Europe
Discounts on premiums
Policyholders with more than one vehicle insured with MAPFRE Middlesea, or with other kind of MAPFRE Middlesea policies, may benefit of discounts on their premiums.
Windscreen/Window damage
We will cover any damage, where the damage is caused by breakage, to the glass in your vehicle’s windscreen or windows.
Service and Repairs
Emergency Overnight Accommodation Cover
Third party Fire & Theft and Comprehensive levels cover emergency overnight accommodation. We cover your lodging if you or any person covered by this policy cannot reach the intended destination because your car cannot be driven due to an incident which happens outside Malta.
Personal Belongings
Alternative Car
The comprehensive level also covers you for the expenses of hiring an alternative car while yours is being repaired following an accident covered under your policy.
General Conditions
With this insurance you can choose between 3 levels of coverage for your vehicle: (1) Third Party Only; (2) Third Party, Fire &Theft Damage; (3) Comprehensive cover.
- Roadside assistance and breakdown service is provided for all drivers. This includes immediate repair following mechanical or electrical failure, battery boost (applicable to hybrid vehicles only) and flat tyre assistance, towing of motor vehicle following a breakdown or accident. Certain limitations apply.
- We also cover second delivery service, fuel delivery and locksmith service. Certain limitations apply. To make use of this roadside assistance and breakdown service, drivers should contact our 24/7 Call Centre on 2248-0200.
- We will cover you for all sums which you may be required to pay by law arising from an accident caused by your vehicle, resulting in the death of or bodily injury to any other person or damage to another person’s property.
- If any person in your vehicle sustain any bodily injury as a result of an accident involving your vehicle, we will always refund the cost of the required medical treatments in connection with such wound. We will pay up to the sum shown in the schedule comprised in your policy for each injured person.
- Also, as a valued MAPFRE Middlesea Insurance policyholder, if you and/or any of your passengers suffer bodily injury as a direct result of an accident involving your vehicle, we will pay the amount fixed in the policy to the wounded person or to such person’s legal representatives. The benefits taken into account are: death or bodily injury occur within 3 months of the accident; total and irrecoverable loss of sight in one or both eyes; total loss by physical severance at or above the wrist or ankle of one or more limbs.
- Third Party Fire & Theft and Comprehensive levels of the policy include the loss of or damage to your vehicle comprising its accessories and spare parts caused by fire, self-ignition, lightning or explosion. It also includes the theft or attempted theft. We will also cover the loss of or damage to your vehicle, including its accessories and spare parts, while on it or while in your locked private garage. The loss of or damage to personal belongings while on your vehicle is also comprised under these two levels of cover. In addition, if your vehicle is registered for private use, the comprehensive cover also compensates you for the cost of hiring an alternative transport while your vehicle is being repaired following an accident covered under your policy.
Premiums for periods of insurance for less than 12 months will be calculated on a pro-rata basis only where the vehicle is newly purchased or has been sold by the policy holder.
No refund of premium is due on policies where a claim has been registered in respect of that vehicle unless such claim is withdrawn.
In any case the document duty is not refundable.
Period in Force | % of annual premium to be charged |
1 months | 25.00% |
2 months | 37.50% |
3 months | 50.00% |
4 months | 62.50% |
6 months | 75.00% |
8 months | 87.50% |
Over 8 months | 100.00% |
The above refund premiums may only be issued and certificate cancelled on sight of new logbook.
Requirements & Restrictions
- The policy only covers vehicles that have a weight less than 3,500 kg and observe legislation.
- The vehicles covered are hybrid and electric vehicles.
The following restrictions apply to the policy:
- The policy does not cover any loss or damage to trailers, caravans or mechanically disabled vehicles attached to your vehicle or to any property being carried in or on them.
- This policy does not provide cover for bodily injury or death caused by suicide or any attempted suicide. It doesn’t cover, either, the personal damages caused while you or any authorised driver is driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, unless taken on proper medical advice and not for the treatment of drug addiction.
- We don’t cover bodily injury or death if you or any of your passengers are insured by another policy covering the same conditions.
- We don’t cover the roadside assistance of those drivers without corresponding license or permission for the category of the vehicle, or those violating the sanction of cancellation or withdrawal.
- The coverage doesn’t include accidents caused by events occurring when you or the authorised driver break the regulations in terms of the requirements and number of people transported, the weight or measurements of the objects or animals transported, or the way in which the load is disposed (provided that the breach is the decisive cause of the loss).
- We don’t cover damages caused by accidents that are produced while the vehicle lacks documentation or requisites legally compulsory to circulate on public roads, including the Technical Inspection of the Vehicles.
- The policy does not cover accidents caused by fuel, mineral essences, and other inflammable, explosive or toxic materials transported in the vehicle.
- Events caused by extraordinary natural phenomena such as earthquakes, landslides, falling objects from space, aerolites, atypical cyclonic storms, or volcanic eruptions are not covered. Neither damages caused by extraordinary atmospheric, meteorological, seismic or geological phenomena.
- The policy does not cover loss or damage which can be traced back to construction or material defects of the manufacturer;
- The policy does not cover loss or damage caused by chemical reactions such as oxidation.
- The policy does not cover deep discharge or overcharge of the battery.
Recommendations for use
We recommend to the policyholder, in order to receive benefits from all the guarantees of the policy, to consider some relevant aspects before and after contracting the policy:
- In case of an accident involving your vehicle, if the occupants have different places of residence within Malta, their transportation will only be carried out to one place or spot chosen by you.
- If you require the fuel delivery or out of charge service more than once during the period of insurance, a fee of €40.00 will be charged as cost of the service. This also applies to the locksmith service.
- You or your legal representatives must give the company notice as soon as reasonably possible of any accident, injury, loss or damage. You must send us every information about the event in your possession without delay. You have to inform us immediately of any civil or criminal proceedings, inquest or fatal enquiry in connection with any event for which there may be liability under this policy. You have to send us immediately any correspondence or other documents you receive, and co-operate with us fully.
- You must report immediately to the police theft, or vandalism, or any other criminal act which may give rise to a claim under this policy. You have to collaborate with us in securing the conviction of the delinquent.
- In case of an accident, your vehicle must not be left unprotected, without taking appropriate precautions to prevent further loss or damage. This includes not driving your vehicle if further damage might be caused.
- Your vehicle must be maintained in an efficient and safe condition. You and any other person in charge of your vehicle must take all reasonable steps to protect it against loss or damage.
- When your vehicle is left unattended, its doors and windows must be fully closed and it must be kept locked with its keys removed.
- You may cancel this Policy by returning the effective Certificate of Motor Insurance to the company. Any refund of premium will be calculated from the date we receive the effective Certificate of Motor Insurance. Provided no claim or loss has arisen in the existing period of insurance, we will return part of the premium after applying the cancellation rates. You must present evidence that your vehicle has been transferred to a new owner, or insured by another insurer, or else that the vehicle has been registered as “garaged”, “scrapped” or “exported” in accordance with any Transport Malta rules and regulations effective at the time of cancellation.