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We are committed to provide our clients with the highest level of service in a professional and helpful manner. We recognize that a client may not be satisfied with the level of service provided. To deal with this we have a complaints procedure. For the sake of clarification, a complaint is broadly defined as being a written expression of dissatisfaction with services that we provide or actions we have taken that require a response.

Step 1 – Contacting the Company

The first step is to talk to a member of our personnel or of the intermediary if the Policy was arranged through one. This can be done informally either directly or by telephone.

Usually the best person to talk to will be the person who dealt with the matter you are concerned about as they will be in the best position to help you promptly and to put things right. If they are not available or you would prefer to approach someone else then address the matter to the manager or senior person responsible. We will seek to resolve the problem immediately. If we cannot do this then we will take a record of the concern and arrange the best way and time for getting back to you. This will normally be within two (2) working days.

Step 2 – Taking your complaint further

If you are still unhappy, the next step is to put the complaint in writing, addressing it to Complaints Officer, MAPFRE Middlesea plc, Middle Sea House, Floriana FRN 1442 or via e-mail on Your communication should set out the details, explain what you think went wrong and what you feel would put things right. If you are not happy about writing it, you can always ask one of our staff members to take note of the complaint which you will be then asked to sign. You will be provided with a copy for your own reference. This record will be passed promptly to the Complaints Officer to deal with.

Once the Complaints Officer receives a written complaint, it shall be fully investigated. The complaint will be acknowledged in writing within five (5) working days of receiving it and the letter will say when you can expect a full response. This should normally be within fifteen (15) working days unless the matter is very complicated such as where other organisations need to be contacted. Where this is the case we will still let you know what action is being taken and will inform you when we expect to provide a full response.

Taking your complaint elsewhere

If you are still not satisfied with the Complaints Officer’s response, you can always seek advice elsewhere. You may contact:

Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services
N/S in Regional Road,
Msida MSD 1920

Telephone: 8007 2366 or 21249245

The Office of the Arbiter will expect that you have a final reply to your complaint from us before approaching them.

Data Protection Any personal information that you communicate to us will be kept in our records and processed in accordance to the Data Protection Act 2001

Managers and Services

Mr. Etienne Sciberras is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the MAPFRE Middlesea Group.

Mrs. Daphne Sims Dodebier is the Complaints Officer

We have a general online contact form that lets you send a message to us online and we try to reply to that message as soon as possible. if you are enquiring about a particular policy, please include the policy number.