SME Insurance
This Product is manufactured by MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c.
MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. (C-5553) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) to carry on both long term and general business under the Insurance Business Act, Cap. 403 of the Laws of Malta. MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. is regulated by the MFSA.
SME Insurance
Embarking or growing a business venture involves hard work, dedication and ongoing investment. Your hard-earned achievement should be accompanied by an insurance policy to help you safeguard yourself, your enterprise and your employees. Is an excellent business solution to protect your entrepreneurial accomplishments.
The SME Insurance policy is the ideal insurance solution.
The MAPFRE Middlesea SME policy includes a number of benefits to ensure that your business is properly covered if something goes wrong. These include:
- Full flexibility to increase cover limits or add on cover to suit your business’ unique needs;
- Cover for Property, Stock and other Trade Contents, Public and Products Liability, Employers Liability, Loss of Income, Money and Personal Accident Cover, Fidelity Guarantee, Equipment Breakdown as well as an Annual Travel Cover for the insured or any other employees.
- Business Emergency Assistance to cater for all your emergency needs 24 hours a day 7 days a week through our call centre.
Whether you’re a sole-trader, or an established company, Mapfre Middlesea will work with you to create the ideal cover for you.
Benefits and Advantages
- We will cover trade contents including money and stamps (other than National Insurance stamps) for an amount up to € 250.
- We will cover computer systems records, up to the value of the material together with the cost of clerical labour and computer time in reproducing such records, for an amount not exceeding €2,500.
- We will pay all costs and expenses of litigation incurred with our written consent in respect of a claim against you with regard to any incident related with the business in the Maltese Islands.
- Accidental bodily injury caused to any employee, if such injury arises out of and in the course of their employment by you, will be covered.
- If property used by you suffers damage, causing an interruption of the business which results in loss of gross income, we will cover the cost of working for the only purpose of avoiding or diminishing the reduction in the gross income.
- We will cover damages, directly associated with any theft or attempted theft, of safe or strong room, cases, bags or waistcoats when used for the carriage of money.
- We will cover temporary total and partial disablement caused by robbery or attempted robbery.
- We will pay for pecuniary loss suffered by you by an act of fraud or dishonesty committed by any guaranteed person.
- In the case of accidental death, disablement, or temporary total disablement from attending to business, we will pay benefits to the person-insured or to his/her legal personal representative.
- We will cover damages caused by electrical or mechanical breakdown and artificially generated electrical current that disturbs electrical devices, appliances or wires. We will pay for damage to steam boilers, steam pipes, steam engines or steam turbines caused by or resulting from any event inside such equipment. We will also cover damages to hot water boilers or other water heating equipment.
- We provide an Emergency Repair Service to secure your business and prevent further loss or damage occurring following an emergency such as unexpected damage to piping, leaks from sanitary fixtures and fittings and fixed water installations within your property.
- We will cover the complete failure of the electrical supply within your business as a result of a fault or damage to the internal electrical installation.
General Conditions
We will cover loss, destruction or damage caused to buildings including fixtures and fittings permanently affixed to the structure, walls, gates, fences, yards, patios, terraces, and car parks. We also cover electricity gas and water meters and associated underground pipes and cables. Stock in trade, plant and machinery, electronic, computer or other data processing equipment (including accessories and peripherals used in conjunction with such equipment) are included.
We will cover all amounts which you shall become legally liable to pay for compensation, and claimants’ costs, in respect of any incident in connection with the business anywhere in the Maltese Islands.
If property used by you at the premises sustains damage, causing an interruption of the business which results in loss of gross income, we will indemnify you for the amount lost (which would have been received during the period had no damage occurred).
We will indemnify you against liability of any credit card used in connection with the business, for loss following fraudulent use by an unauthorized person, provided that our liability during any one period of insurance shall not exceed the limit specified in the schedule. Any loss of credit cards must be reported to the police within 24 hours of discovering it.
If any person-insured dies or suffers disablement as the result of robbery or any attempt in the course of the business, we will pay the person-insured or their legal personal representative benefits. We also cover the loss of one or more limbs, or sight of one or both eyes.
We will cover direct pecuniary loss suffered by you by an act of fraud or deceit committed by any guaranteed person during the period of insurance, and discovered during the currency or within twelve months of the expiry of the period of insurance, or the termination of the employment of the guaranteed person whichever event shall happen first. You shall give all reasonable assistance to enable us to get by legal proceedings the reimbursement of any loss by the guaranteed person, or by the guaranteed person’s estate, or from any other source.
We will cover the breakage of glazing to external windows or doors which render your business insecure.
Requirements & Restrictions
This policy has certain requirements that shall be evaluated by the customer. It is very important to consider them in order to decide which insurance policy satisfies better the policyholder needs.
- You shall keep the property insured in a sound condition and take reasonable precautions to prevent accidents, injury, loss, destruction or damage.
- You shall take all reasonable steps to observe and comply with statutory or local authority laws obligations and requirements.
The following restrictions apply to the policy:
- We will not cover loss or damage directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from, or in connection with any act of terrorism regardless of any other cause or event contributing simultaneously or in any other sequence to the loss. Loss, damage, cost or expense caused by any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to any act of terrorism are also excluded.
- Loss, damage, cost or expense directly or indirectly arising out of biological or chemical contamination due to any act of terrorism is excluded.
- Damages to data or software, in particular any harmful change in data, software or computer programs that is caused by a deletion, a corruption or a deformation of the original structure, are excluded.
- We will not cover the cost of removing, annulling or cleaning-up seeping, pollution or contamination substances unless the seepage, pollution or contamination is caused by a sudden, unexpected event during the period of this policy.
- The policy will not cover any actual or supposed liability for any claim or claims in respect of loss directly or indirectly resulting from asbestos in whatever form or quantity.
- We will not cover nuclear energy risks.
- We will not cover loss, damage, cost or expense directly or indirectly caused to any transmission and distribution lines.
- Damages, costs or expenses directly or indirectly caused by mould and vermin are excluded.
- We will not cover loss or damage caused directly or indirectly out of non-ionic radiation including, but not limited, to electromagnetic fields.
- We will not cover loss, damage, injury or liability caused directly or indirectly by war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities, warlike operations, insurrection, rebellion or revolution. We will not cover either losses caused by martial law or state of siege, or any of the events which determine the proclamation or maintenance of martial law or state of siege.
- We do not cover any loss caused by, resulting from, arising out of or related to Pandemic, Epidemic or Coronavirus Diseases.
Recommendations for use
We recommend to the policyholder, in order to receive benefits of all the guarantees of the policy, to consider some relevant aspects before and after contracting the policy:
- You shall give us immediate written notice if at any time anything materially affecting the risk insured occurs.
- If any loss, damage or liability which you are claiming is covered by any other insurance, we will pay only our proportionate share of that claim.
- As soon as you become aware of an incident that may lead to a claim, and also upon the receipt by you of notice of any claim, you or your legal representatives must tell us immediately, and provide us at your own cost with all the information and help we need.
- Every communication to us must be written or printed.
- You must inform the police immediately about loss destruction or damage caused by theft or attempted theft.
- You may cancel this policy at any time during its term. Any refund of premium will be made from the date we receive your command. Provided no claim or loss has been made in the period of insurance, we will return part of the premium calculated on our rates for the unexpired period of insurance.
- If we disagree about the sum to be paid under this policy, you and we have the right to refer to arbitration. We will inform you of this option and you must then write and tell us if you want to proceed. An arbitrator will be appointed in accordance with the statutory provisions. The making of an award is a condition precedent to any right of action against us.
- Policyholders have to permit any act reasonably required by us for the purpose of enforcing any rights and remedies, or of obtaining relief or indemnity from other parties.
- The indemnity provided by us shall apply only to judgements or orders that are delivered by or obtained from a court within the Maltese Islands.
- If any claim under this policy is in any respect fraudulent, or if any fraudulent means or devices are used by you, or anyone acting on your behalf, to obtain any benefit under this policy, all benefits shall be forfeited.