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MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. declares 2022 Bonuses

MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. declares 2022 Bonuses

ENGLISH VERSION (Scroll down for the Maltese Version)  On 21 March 2023, MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. approved the bonus rates for With-Profits policies for the year ended 31 December 2022. Synopsis of press release main highlights: Worse global financial markets...

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Future proof your rental home/investment with MAPFRE Middlesea

Future proof your rental home/investment with MAPFRE Middlesea

MAPFRE Middlesea is proud to announce the launch of its latest product: Commercial Home insurance. This policy is designed to meet the needs of landlords who are looking to insure their rental properties and protect themselves against potential financial losses when the unexpected happens.

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What is Movember?

What is Movember?

As part of the annual charity event known as Movember, a moustache is urged to be grown for the entire month of November. In order to achieve varied degrees of furry success, the goal is for people who wouldn’t typically sport facial hair to take the chance. However, it is still possible to participate if you are fortunate enough to have thick, lush clumps of hair on your upper lip.

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Why is October the pink month?

Why is October the pink month?

By now you are all aware that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, sometimes known as the "pink month." It is a yearly initiative that is quite significant and contributes to raising awareness of breast cancer. So let's learn more about the subject and the...

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Tips for Back to School

Tips for Back to School

Follow these recommendations before it’s time to send your kids back to school to help guarantee they have a successful year.

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World Rose Day

World Rose Day

The world celebrates World Rose Day on September 22 every year. This day has been set aside in particular to honour cancer patients and their struggle against the disease. The intention is to recognize them for their courage and to inspire them with the knowledge that they are not fighting cancer alone. This day also strives to raise awareness of the early signs of cancer and its prevention, which can both treat and save many lives.

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What is suicide awareness month?

What is suicide awareness month?

Since September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day, many people refer to September as Suicide Awareness Month. During that month, organisations spread the word about suicide prevention and mental health by hosting events, webinars, and campaigns to bring attention to this crucial subject.

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