MAPFRE MSV Life has launched a limited special offer on its Single Premium Plan.
Blog | Page 11
How much energy is left?
Despite repeated reports to the contrary, oil is not about to run out in the world, so the energy transition will be based on cost savings and concern for the environment.
How does insurance help create a more sustainable world?
At its heart, the insurance industry is eminently social and it makes a committed contribution to achieving the 2030 SDGs. Here are some of the key ways in which insurance helps the transition toward a more sustainable world.
José Maria Cancer: “Repairing bumpers helps us prevent the production of more than 1,200 metric tons of plastic per year”
Introducing the second Sustainability Dialog and find out why CESVIMAP is teaching thousands of workshops that work with MAPFRE around the world how to repair cars sustainably.
New Benefits of Home Insurance: What does it cover, exactly?
Realistically speaking, buying a home may be the single largest (and most emotionally invested) purchase you will ever make in your life. Yet unfortunately, it is also vulnerable to unforeseen events. Whether it be a natural disaster, theft, or even an accidental injury, you can rest assured knowing that we have you covered with our wide level of protection. Without further ado, here are four major benefits of having home insurance.
casso and Miró. The Flesh and the Spirit offers the first international presentation of 144 works by these two great 20th-century artists. Organised by Fundación MAPFRE in collaboration with the Office of the President of Malta and Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti, the exhibition contributes to the image of Valletta as European Cultural Capital 2018 from a scientific, educational and recreational perspective.
You’re still in time! Start planning your Retirement with MAPFRE MSV Life Personal Pension Plans and Benefit from a Tax Credit of up to €750 for 2021
Do you aspire to live a fulfilled and comfortable life, right up until your retirement? But what about when you retire? Have you thought about that yet? Why not start thinking about when you retire with a little bit of style thrown in the mix!
Insurance sees digitalisation accelerated due to pandemic
Author: Javier Moreno Gonzalez, MAPFRE Middlesea CEO
Electric Vehicle Insurance: What you need to know
As you might expect, similarly to most other insurance policies, one would hope that they do not find themselves needing to use it. Alas, in case you do find yourself needing it due to unforeseen circumstances, it’s always best to be prepared for when the event strikes. That being said, let’s take a look at everything you need to know about travel insurance.