Author: Javier Moreno Gonzalez, MAPFRE Middlesea CEO

Author: Javier Moreno Gonzalez, MAPFRE Middlesea CEO
Author: Javier Moreno Gonzalez, MAPFRE Middlesea CEO
Author: Javier Moreno Gonzalez, MAPFRE Middlesea CEO
Author: Javier Moreno Gonzalez, MAPFRE Middlesea CEO
Author: Javier Moreno Gonzalez, MAPFRE Middlesea CEO
Author: Javier Moreno Gonzalez, MAPFRE Middlesea CEO
Author: Javier Moreno Gonzalez, MAPFRE Middlesea CEO
Dear clients and stakeholders,
In these times of difficulties our thoughts are with all those affected by the global coronavirus outbreak and with their families, and also with all those who, like us, are concerned with the evolution of the pandemic and its consequences. We also believe that we all need to act in coordination to contribute to the containment of this virus and so we are implementing our internal contingency plan.