Corporate Social Responsibility
We believe that the companies that perform
best over time are those that build a
social purpose into their operations
that is as importantas their
economic purpose.
We believe that the companies that perform best over time are those that build a social purpose into their operations that is as important as their economic purpose.
(+356) 2590 9000
Over the years we have developed a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy Framework which encompasses four specific areas namely Our Environment, Our People, Our Communities and Our Customers.
Our Environment
It is also our policy to support environmental initiatives and projects which are directed at the embellishment of the immediate surroundings or Malta’s general environment.
In 2014 our company formed part of the award-winning EU LIFE+ Investing in Water Project Partnership, a project co-financed under the European Community’s LIFE funding programme, aimed at identifying water saving opportunities.
Our People
Our people, including our carefully selected network of intermediaries, are our success. Their technical competence and attitudes, under the policy guidance of the Board of Directors, have earned the trust of shareholders and customers and have made the company a paragon of responsible business. Their performance has made it possible for us to go beyond mere profitability concerns and to develop a corporate social conscience which, though relatively modest in financial terms, stands in good stead to various societal initiatives.
Our employment policies, practices and procedures are designed to ensure that our employees are treated fairly and with respect, and that they treat others with that same respect. We do not discriminate on the basis of race or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, age, national origin, disability, health or political opinions.
We are all responsible for, and share in the benefits of a safe and healthy workplace. A number of awareness sessions in stress management and improvement of quality of life were held throughout the year in conjunction with the Richmond Foundation. We also provide free counselling to all our employees through the Foundation.
Motivated by the company’s values, business philosophy and favourable working conditions, our people often engage in voluntary maintenance work in aid of deserving causes. The MSV Sports and Social Club organizes various activities throughout the year for MSV employees their families and friends.
The Equality Mark certificate is a certification that embraces gender equality. The Equality Mark also signifies a workplace that offers protection against sexual harassment and a commitment to the provision of family-friendly measures to all employees. This year we maintained our position as an equality certified employer following the Equality Mark award by the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality with the support of the European Social Fund.
We believe that overcoming inequality and creating social cohesion is not an act of charity but an act of justice.
Our Communities

Our company is a long standing benefactor of The Malta Community Chest Fund, Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Caritas Malta, Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti, Palazzo Falson, Teatru Manoel, The Malta Council for Culture and the Arts, Heritage Malta, BOV Joseph Calleja Foundation and The University of Malta amongst others.
We support healthy living and better lifestyles through campaigns and sponsorships of various initiatives aimed at creating greater awareness about the virtues of leading a healthy lifestyle. We consider sports as an essential element in enhancing one’s lifestyle and over the years we have offered our support to various sporting organizations such as basketball, bowling, athletics and football.
In the past we have also co-sponsored important health related initiatives such as the Gozo Melanoma Screening Project.
In the educational sector, between 2008 and 2014, together with MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c., we were the founding and sole joint sponsors of Bachelor of Commerce and in the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) with a major in Insurance and Finance offered by the Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy at the University of Malta. Through this six –year initiative we helped a number of students to graduate in insurance and who are now working in the insurance industry.
Our Customers
We put our customers at the heart of what we do. We want our customers to trust us for life.
We do this by:
- Being frank, open and honest.
- Telling the truth and admitting mistakes.
- Communicating with and talking to customers regularly.
- Not just providing a service but an “EXPERIENCE”.
- Treating customers the way we would want to be treated.
- Being professional and seeking excellence in everything we do.
- Being consistent in everything we do.
- Always looking for ways to make it easier for a customer to do business with us.
- Always aiming to deliver the service commitments in our Customer Charter.
- Behaving ethically and responsibly.
We understand and are sensitive to the needs of our customers and deliver innovative value for money products and services to meet those needs. We deal with our customers honestly. Our customers know they can depend not only on our products and services, but also on our word and character.