Company Announcement 22 April 2016


Category: Company Announcement    Entity: MAPFRE

22 April 2016

The following is a Company Announcement issued by MAPFRE Middlesea plc, pursuant to the Listing Rules of the Malta Financial Services Authority.


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of MAPFRE Middlesea plc was held on the 22 April 2016. The Shareholders considered and approved the following resolutions:

Ordinary Resolutions

1. that the Accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 2015 and the reports of the Directors and Auditors be considered and approved;
2. that a final gross dividend of €0.05605 per share as recommended by the Board of Directors be considered and approved;
3. that the appointment of KPMG as Auditors of the Company be approved and that the Board of Directors be authorised to fix their remuneration;
4. To approve the maximum annual aggregate emoluments of Directors at €250,000 in the line with the previous year.
5. that Mr Alfred Attard, Ms Antoinette Caruana, Mr John Cassar White, Mr David G. Curmi, Mr Javier Fernández-Cid, Mr Martin Galea, Mr Pedro López Solanes, Mr Paul Testaferrata Moroni Viani and Mr Joseph F.X. Zahra be appointed as directors on the Board of Directors;

Extraordinary Resolution

To amend specific articles of the current Articles of Association in line with the details provided in the Circular to Shareholders.

Mr Martin Galea was appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors of MAPFRE Middlesea plc at the Board Meeting convened immediately after the Annual General Meeting. The Board of Directors, during the said Board meeting, re-confirmed and co-opted Mr Nikolaos Antimissaris, from MAPFRE, as a non Executive Director in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company.

The new non Executive Director elected during the AGM is Mr Alfred Attard, who resides at 84, ‘Hacienda’, Triq Ghaxqet l-Ghajn, Marsascala. Mr Attard has been employed with Bank of Valletta plc since 1976 and currently holds the position of Chief Officer for SME Finance. He is also an Associate of the Institute of Financial Services in the UK.

There is no other matter concerning Mr Attard that requires disclosure in terms of the Listing Rules and the said appointment is subject to regulatory approval.


By Order of the Board

Carlo Farrugia
Company Secretary